Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 2880 Loop Save/Delete

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    When reading through the 2880 Manual I found a few apparently contradictory statements (see below). No doubt my confusion comes from my lack of insight into the difference between a loop and a new loop or loops or overdub loops. However, it would be good if EHX could give the 2880 definition of a loop, song, project, overdub, mixdown loop etc.
    All help in better understanding gratefully received!


    Quotes from 2880 User’s Manual:

    Please Note: Only one loop, song or project can be on a CF card at a time, even if it is only 1 second in length.
    When you begin recording a New Loop, it erases the previous loop that you had on the card; you cannot retrieve old loops once overwritten.

    In Non-Quantize Mode: the loop length is set by the user. The time between pressing the RECORD and PLAY
    buttons determines the length of the loop for all of the tracks. You could also press RECORD or NEW LOOP to end
    the loop. The 2880 will begin recording the loop immediately upon hitting the RECORD button.

    In Quantize Mode: the loop length is determined by the number of bars you wish to record

    Only one loop can be on the Compact Flash card at a time

    Once you begin recording a New Loop, all of the files for the previous loop will be overwritten and you cannot retrieve them.


    I see no-one seems to have an answer, or if there is an answer it is guarded by the Keepers of the Order of Two. I wait in hope.

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