Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 2880 help!!!

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    hello there. im really hoping someone can help me with this. posted a similiar question before but i don’t think it was fully understood. would really appreciate advice as im not sure if somethings wrong with my machine. i have had a 2880 for about 8 months now. also have a 16 second delay reissue, memory boy and SMMH. love the 2880 but have to use it in a fairly limited way because of the following issue:

    i) i press record to record a new track on say track 1. level of fader at 50%. when i press play track with this first layer plays back fine. then i press record again to overdub additional layers (like the line 6 dl4 i like to leave the “overdub” on continuously so i can focus on adding layers rather than stomping switches)
    ii) what happens then is that second layers, third layers etc. play back at a very reduced volume.
    iii) i understand that the fader switches to being a feedback control when youre in overdub mode, but how the hell do i lift the feedback level during overdub without lifting the volume level of the track, which is what happens???
    iv) this has led me to using the 2880 to simply record completed loops from the harmonix 16 second, rather than using it as a looper in the traditional sense.
    please don’t tell me to read the manual i have many times:)
    thanks again


    Have you tried recording the first take at half dry in volume, then to the overdubs at full dry volume? I know what you are saying because I have had a lot of trouble figuring out the faders/volumes.


    firstly thanks for your reply..do you mean record the first layer at 50 percent volume then turn up to full for overdubs? thats what i did before tho :( it just raises the level of the loop up to 100 percent. i must be an idiot because no one else talks about this. if this carries on i might have to sell …help ehx.


    I’m going to try and by super precise. I do not mean to be demeaning if it sounds that way! With the fader at 100% (which is what I think you were talking about), record with the dry volume at 50% then when you record your dubs on that move the dry volume to 100% to compensate. That make sense? It seems impractical but that’s the only way I can think of answering your question. Remember after you record into a track the fader is no longer a volume knob but a feedback knob where below 50% repeats and fades out and above 50% feedbacks into continual distortion. I will continue trying to help you, but I haven’t played that much with my 2880 yet because I don’t have the foot switch! Good luck!

    *Upon rereading your question, why don’t you try recording the loop then mixing it to the mix track, then record another layer and just keep bumping them down to the mix track. That might work?

    Also you should always record your first track with the fader at 100% (the track not necessarily the dry one). I also think with what you are doing you should basically do this:

    Record the first as I said, then when you get done bump to the second track (set the 2nd track fader to 100% and the 1st one to say 50% or 0% depends on if you want feedback). Then record you third layer just like the other ones on the third and then the fourth…then mix it down. So this way you can record 4 layers at a time bump them and then 4 more if you want! Hope this makes sense buddy!

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