Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics 2880 hardware sequencer questions: what are people using?

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    Pretty sure there are some pretty cheap midi foot controllers out there.


    that can control midi notes? and or pads and or triggered sounds? if so which ones?


    most of the cheaper ones will not control midi notes from what i have seen


    Well stuff like the Taurus is expensive but there are cheaper alternatives, from buying a cheap midikeyboard and physicially modifying the keys to stuff like the soft step


    the behringer fcb1010 can be programmed to stransmit midi on/off messages.. it’s probably the cheapest option for a midi foot controller.


    @cryabetes…I’m unfamiLiar with the 2880 & the softstep, and was wondering if they’re compatibLe. Does the 2880 use a midi foot controller? And can I use all the functions of the 2880 with the softstep? Thanks.


    The 2880’s foot controller isn’t midi (it’s a similar system but EHX-proprietary); However, with midi commands, you can access every function on the 2880’s foot controller (and then some), so if you were to get the softstep, you would not need to buy the controller.

    Also bear in mind, depending on what you’re using it for, you may not even need the controller – I use mine for looping/sampling my vocalist doing her thing and then use the faders to play it back (I play sampler in the project – all my equipment is table top.)

    Hope this helps.

    (ps – you don’t need to make new threads and bump old ones when you have questions – one or the other is fine.)


    That was a big heLp dude thanks a million.

    most of the cheaper ones will not control midi notes from what i have seen

    Hey Marzrock, I’ve used the Behringer FCB1010 to trigger the 2880. If you’re curious, here’s how mine’s set up.

    There are two rows:

    A = Play
    1 = Record
    BCDE = Select Track 1,2,3,4
    2345 = Mute/Unmute Tracks 1,2,3,4

    Unfortunately, the Midi capability for the looper is somewhat basic. From what I read and understand, it uses MIDI in the way a guitar pedal would where a CC command simply changes presets. Out of the box, you cannot have it do complex commands like loop back to bar 4 or loop only bar 2-3. In fact, I don’t believe the looper even has the capability to recognize bar length/tempo/time sig.

    That doesn’t mean you can’t do interesting things with it however. For live instances, I could see it hooked up to a MIDI sequencer, where based on the path of your project, you send it triggers to start/stop recording and the like.

    As others have said though, for those more complex looping options, you’re better off using a computer based sequencer like Ableton.

    Hope this helps!


    thanks jaylegaspi !
    this is what i’d read elsewhere also. Makes me wonder why they didn’t consider some way of muting/unmuting tracks—
    It might even have been possible with footswitches.

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