Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 2880 Drum Track (Help)

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    I’m trying to copy a drum track from a computer program. Name Superior Drummer 2.0, I copy the drum track into the 2880, change the name of the program to TRACK4, I even copy the drum track to all the tracks, when I play the track, all that there is – is white noise, also make sure the the tempos are the same, dose anyone have any ideas


    is your drum track in mono or stereo?
    did you make the tempo file?
    did you make blank dummy tracks for the rest of the tracks, including the master?
    did you use the .wav format?


    I change the tempo file to the time the drum pattern is 120
    T do not know what u mean by copying the tempo the file
    The drum track is mono
    I did make copies to Trks 1,2,3,4 but not to the master

    This is what going on, my friend sends me a drum pattern via email, they are wav files, I copy the file and using my laptop with UBS cable I paste it into the 2880, I use the laptop to back up all my loops and move them back to the 2880 to work on them more.

    I send loops to my friend, who has a computer program with the drum program and he put it all together, There was a post on here about putting drum programs into the 2880, (drum programs are clips from a CD and are 4141KBs big) so I been trying this, I know i’m off by one thing.

    Dose he need to send the tempo file with the drum program.


    If you make a master file [TRACKM.wav] and a tempo file for it, it should work.

    For the master file, just duplicate one of the blank loops and rename it TRACKM.wav and it should work. It might need to be stereo but it might not matter. not sure.

    the tempo file is just a text file. make a new loop without anything in it and then hook it up to your PC, you’ll see a file called tempo.txt. if you open that up with notepad or your word processor of choice, it’ll read something like “bpm=60” or “tempo=60BPM” or something

    change the number value to your beats per minute [120, in your case], copy it over, and you should be golden.


    Thanks I will try this tonight

    Will let u know


    Nope I try everything

    Created new loop
    Named the downloaded drum loop TRACKM
    Copy it and pasted it over trk TRACKM
    Change the tempo file to 120.000 BMP
    Nothing but white noise on trk TRACKM

    Just will not take the file

    If there are other ideas Im will to try
    but its not looking good

    Its weird because I can click on the track TRACKM and it plays from the computer off the flash drive on the 2880 but will not play off the 2880


    no idea man
    I always looped my drums by playing them on my keyboard.

    you could try looping them by playing them in + midi quantizing?


    Thank for ur help Cryabetes

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