Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 2880 2 days old and not working ! !

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    I’ve only had the 2880 a couple of days and it’s stopped working !.

    The record light won’t come on and it doesn’t record or play back. When you switch on the ext.clock and quantize lights they light up and the record light blinks but doesn’t do anything . The foot pedal ‘new loop’ and ‘record’ lights just blink constantly and don’t do anything when you click on them. Track select light works ok . Does anyone know whats up ?.

    I’ll be returning this to the store tomorrow and ask for my money back if I can’t fix it.



    yup, just return it, don’t try and mess around with it yourself.


    That same problem has just occured with me for the second time (1st time it never worked, 2nd time-lasted 3 weeks). My ‘New Loop’ button won’t engage record mode, nor will it play the tracks I recorded yesterday.
    To multiply my problem I purchased mine in the States and I’m now living in Melbourne. The Aussie EHX dealers say they won’t fulfill the warranty and I have to send it back to the States.

    Is there some kind of button sequence that will reset the unit? I have a gig in 2 days and am desperate for a quick solution.

    If there isn’t a button sequence, is there anyway at all (without returning it) I can get it back to normal.

    I need help and fast.


    I had the same problem, it seemed to work for a little bit then it would not record, blinking lights while in ext clock and quant mode just like you said.

    I ended up fixing it but haven’t tracked down exactly what fix it was that did the trick on it:

    Fix 1) First off the manual says in ext clock mode the 2880 needs a midi start signal to start recording. So I hooked that together and it start recording as expected. Not the greatest workflow for my personal setup, but it does work.

    Fix 2) However, by following the steps below, I was then able to record in ext clock mode, with quantize on, without sending the midi start signal. The exact way I hoped the 2880 would behave.

    1) unplugging the 2880
    2) removing the memory card
    3) booting the 2880
    4) re-inserting the memory card

    So…. I hope through a little more experimentation I will realize exactly what I need to do to get the behavior I like from the 2880. I don’t know if that will work for you, but its worth a try ;).

    On a side note, whats the best way to clear the loops out, if you want to start fresh?



    to clear the loops out if you want to start totally fresh (ie, no time data, no existing loops) is to, without it playing or recording, hit the new loop button. [side note- My Kingston brand CF card didn’t like this at all but I suspect that is due to it being 2GB and possibly slightly larger than expected by the 2880]

    to clear out just the loop data, but keep the time, you have to go to each slider, turn it to zero, and record with no input for one full loop.

    to clear out just the time data, but keep the loops, I have no idea.

    to clear the loops out if you want to start totally fresh (ie, no time data, no existing loops) is to, without it playing or recording, hit the new loop button. [side note- My Kingston brand CF card didn’t like this at all but I suspect that is due to it being 2GB and possibly slightly larger than expected by the 2880]

    to clear out just the loop data, but keep the time, you have to go to each slider, turn it to zero, and record with no input for one full loop.

    to clear out just the time data, but keep the loops, I have no idea.

    Ahh cool thanks man, will give that a try!

    Just to get back to the other issue:

    It does seem that when the 2880 boots loading loop data from the card, it will only start/stop/record/playback by receiving midi data start/stop signals when in EXT clock mode with quantize on.

    Whereas, when the 2880 boots with no card data, it will start/stop/record/playback with its own buttons when in EXT clock mode with quantize on, no midi start/stop signals are necessary.

    Too me this is a very strange behavior, can anyone else comment on this issue?

    Any thoughts would be fantastic.



    It sounds like the CF Card is failing. We have been seeing this a lot lately. We might have bought a bad supply of CF Cards.

    You can go up to 2GB on the CF card.

    It sounds like the CF Card is failing. We have been seeing this a lot lately. We might have bought a bad supply of CF Cards.

    You can go up to 2GB on the CF card.

    Thanks for the response, just to clarify:
    Were you responding to Cryabetes issue or the one that I was describing?

    In my case, when powering on the 2880, _with_ the CF card inserted, data loads from the CF card as expected. However, from this point on in order to record/playback I must send a midi start signal to the 2880 (while 2880 is in EXT clock with quantize on).

    Where as, powering on the 2880 _without_ the CF card inserted, and then inserting the CF card after the 2880 is fully on, will let me start/stop record like normal with the buttons on the 2880, without me having to send the midi start signal (while 2880 is in EXT clock and quantize on).

    I don’t yet understand how loading loop data from the CF card will change the start/stop/record behavior when in EXT clock mode with quantize on. Is this considered normal for the 2880?

    Insight on this matter would be greatly appreciated.



    Hey Poly,

    I was sort of replying to all of the posts but your particular problem is very strange and is not normal. I still think it may have something to do with the CF Card, though I’m not 100% sure. If you can scrounge up another card it would be worth trying it.


    Hmm I see thanks! I will grab another CF card and try to test it out.

    Just out of curiosity, what is the ‘normal’ behavior for play/record when the 2880 is in EXT clock mode with quantize on: Does it require a midi start signal to play/record or should I be able to use the buttons on the unit, or both?

    Hmm I see thanks! I will grab another CF card and try to test it out.

    Just out of curiosity, what is the ‘normal’ behavior for play/record when the 2880 is in EXT clock mode with quantize on: Does it require a midi start signal to play/record or should I be able to use the buttons on the unit, or both?

    With EXT. CLOCK on, the 2880 will be looking for both a MIDI Clock signal and a start/stop command. If it receives the MIDI clock and a MIDI start command it will begin playback. If it is receiving MIDI clock and you press the play button it will also begin playback. But if there is no MIDI clock signal going into the 2880 and you press Play, nothing will happen.


    I see, so there is definitely something going wrong for me. Hmmmmm… Its brand new so I hope the problem is just the CF card. I will post back when I have had a chance to test this out.

    Thanks a lot for your help, :)


    I had a problem with the supplied Memory Card early on… but everything has worked flawlessly since replacing them. Also, I don’t have the info available or time, but you might want to make sure that firmware is up to date. You’ll find info in this forum about it.

    My guess is that it’s just the memory card.


    Hmm I’m curious what the problems with the memory cards are?
    Does a problem memory card: not save loops, not load loops, not connect to a computer, crash the 2880?

    Just trying to narrow things down a bit. My CF card will save/load loops and connect to a PC just fine.

    Could a bad CF card really effect the way the 2880 operates when it comes to record/playback specifically in EXT clock mode? This seems beyond impossible to me! :)

    Anyway, I will buy one and find out for myself.




    I got a new flash card, formated it to 2880 spec. The 2880 does not read the card. After trying the new flash card, the original card that shipped with the 2880 will no longer read in the 2880 or in a PC CF card reader. So the unit is officially a paper weight.

    I have found in another buried thread, a random post saying that EHX recommends “The San Disk Ultra II series” CF card. So I have ordered one of these, and will update this thread with my results.

    It’s a serious downer that a great machine like the 2880 is laden with memory card issues. I am very disappointed, but will continue to try and solve this.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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