Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 22500 – stop rhythm and loop?

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    Just bought this pedal and I’ve run into something that is a deal-killer. Maybe I’m missing something, but how can you stop the rhythm and loop at the same time (at the end of a song)? I’m quantizing so it has to have the rhythm track – which means I need to have stop/tap control start/stop for rhythm. Then I can record a loop but now I can’t figure out how I’m supposed to stop the rhythm and loop at the same time unless I reach down and press the rhythm button to change the stop/tap button behavior. That isn’t really possible in a live situation.

    Is there a work-around or am I missing something?


    To do an All Stop when the RHYTHM button is lit, double-tap the STOP/TAP fsw. The rhythm track plus both loops will stop on the second press of the STOP FSW.

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