Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 22500 – how to start loop A + B + Rhythm simultaneously

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    I have been using my 22500 for quite some time now and am quite happy with it.

    However I have been messning with the use of A and B loops recently. Here is my observation:

    – Looop A was recorded in the L14P Mode – the verse and chorus of a song some 32 measures long

    – then Loop B – the corresponding bassline was recorded – same length since in L14P mode

    Here is my struggle: is there a way to start Loop B while Loop A is running in a way that Loop B starts to the corresponding bar of Loop A? In other words: I want to start Loop A and after eight bars I want to start Loop B wich now as well should start at bar eight.

    So far I have only found that I can start both lools at the same time by stepping on both Loop knobs simultaneously . which at times can be tricky.

    Any advice?

    Cheers Stefan


    Yes, the 22500 can do what you are trying to do but Quantize must be turned off. Set the third digit of Loop mode to “n” so that your loop mode reads L1nP. Start playing Loop A. When you’re ready, start playing Loop B. Loop B will start playing back as if it had been playing along with Loop A the whole time. As if you just unmuted Loop B.


    Hi, thanks for clarifying!

    Only that I am surprised to learn that quantize is not applied in this use case.

    Anyway cheers Stefan

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