Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear 22 Caliber

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    is the cable you’re using a Tip-Sleeve cable or is is Tip-Ring-Sleeve? [ie, is the signal being send to the input a mono one or a stereo one?]

    Love it! I play bass and have added the 22 Caliber to my setup as the amp for effects into a 16 ohm 2×10 (bass) cab. My main rig is an Ampeg SVT & I am a full time working pro playing mostly classic rock & blues gigs, over ten per month. While the 22 Caliber won’t really work as a true thundering bass amp it is great for overdrive tones. I also use a Micro Pog into a volume pedal into a tube distortion pedal then a second volume pedal before the amp. With this setup I can control how “hard” I hit the tube distortion and also mix it with the main bass rig sound. I usually have the 22 caliber at full volume or close to it! Now if only they could shrink the SVT down to a pedal size LOL

    Hi I use the 22 Caliber for Bass as well. And I’m besotted. I love the way it concentrates the pickup sound of your axe. But I’m only use quiet practice volumes. I’m going to try and hook up a PODx3 Live and see how that goes too. But the 2x 10 is very interesting. I’m running her into a 15″ which is (good) boomy and lovely and old school. Just a lucky accident that probably shouldn’t work.



    I really want to get (2) 22 caliber amps to have each one power a 1×12… the goal is to utilize the stereo sounds of my memory man and cathedral reverb.

    my drummer bangs pretty loud, as we get a bit heavy at times, but i still want access to a decent clean tone. i know it is stretching it with only one 22 caliber, but should 2 of them do the job?


    I really want to get (2) 22 caliber amps to have each one power a 1×12… the goal is to utilize the stereo sounds of my memory man and cathedral reverb.

    my drummer bangs pretty loud, as we get a bit heavy at times, but i still want access to a decent clean tone. i know it is stretching it with only one 22 caliber, but should 2 of them do the job?

    I used to run 2x 30w 1×12 solid state combos in stereo and I could keep them clean in a band situation, there wasn’t masses of headroom left though… so going on that I’d say yes, but ‘just’ probably.


    I really want to get (2) 22 caliber amps to have each one power a 1×12… the goal is to utilize the stereo sounds of my memory man and cathedral reverb.

    Personally I think it would better with (2) 2 x 12s….. but it’s hard to say because it depends how clean you’d want it. Is it possible to rent or borrow a few speakers for a trial? I’d be very very curious to see how it’d compete with a drummer. I’ve only used her for home studio, practice and smaller jams so far.

    Check what’s cheap too. Where I live a Quad is much much better value (than a 2×12) for money and if you might find some old kit that’s still kicking it.


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    I’ll through in the same question as on the Magnum thread: Would this amp work for acoustic guitar if plugged into a hifi speaker or 2-way speaker designed for delivering acoustic guitar sound? I guess it reduces down to the frequency response of the amp, has anyone measured/tried this?


    I wouldn’t use a hifi speaker for ‘live’ audio, it’d be too susceptable to damage, although as long as you used the proper impedance speaker [8 or 16 ohms], you should be okay. But really they aren’t built for that kind of signal and it stands a good chance of sounding like arse.


    Pardon my ignorance folks, but can the English Muff’n be used in this way? I’m struggling to afford a good amp but saw a cheap Vox cab and was hoping the Muff’n could act as an amp head. Sorry if that’s a dumb question and feel free to educate my stoopid-arse!

    If not then a 22 Calibre is imminent!



    you can get away with using the English Muff’n as a PREamp, but there is no power to drive the signal into a speaker, you will need the 22Cal for the power amp to drive anything.


    Gracias Mr Grimm!

    Didn’t think it was fit for that purpose but wanted to make sure cause i’m not too clued-up when it comes to these technical matters.

    Cheers mate!


    hey guys, I’m trying to buy a new amp but i can’t exactly find the perfect one. i was thinking a 1×12″ cab and either a 22 cal or 44 mag. alls i would use the amp for is guitar and i need to compete for sound with a drum kit right next to it. i kinda want a clean tone but add my bmptw for distortion. any suggestions?


    oh also i have read people complain about being shocked on the mouth when playing guitar and using a mic

    Rick S

    Go with the 44 if you are only using one 1X12. One 22 probably won’t quite get there. Two 22’s however………………………………stereo effects!!!


    double money doesn’t sound so fun. i played a marshall class 5 amp today and i absolutely loved it BUT. . .it was only a 10″ and wasn’t quite loud enough. AMAZING tone though. just what i was hoping for

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