Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics 22 Caliber with 1X12 cabs and pedals?

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    I’m buying the 22 caliber. Also planning for a cabinet and the shortlist is :- vox nighttrain 1X12 cab, vox ac4tv cab, marshall haze 1X12 cab, Jet City JCA 1×12, Blackheart BH112 1X12, Kustom Defender 1×12. I have some pedals as well like, barber direct drive, couple of ibanez and maxon choruses, EH small stone,EH small clone,EH Electric mistress, MXR phase 90. Have you guys tried the 22 cal with these cabs and pedals? Some say it works best with Marshall Greenbacks 4X12 cab, but its too pricey for me. Any clips or info would be helpful. Many Thanks.


    I’m using this setup into a Carvin 2×12 cab. The combination of effects, the LPB-2ube and the .44 Mag make for a really good sounding and super compact backup amp or small gig amp. In this pic, it’s not mounted on a pedalboard yet and I’m testing it through my Boogie’s speaker. If I’m using my main amps (Boogie/Vox AC-30) I’ll bring this as a backup amp. If a tube goes on me, I’ll just plug my amps speaker into this setup. For other gigs, I’ll use it as my main amp through the Carvin cab.


    I’m using this setup into a Carvin 2×12 cab. The combination of effects, the LPB-2ube and the .44 Mag make for a really good sounding and super compact backup amp or small gig amp. In this pic, it’s not mounted on a pedalboard yet and I’m testing it through my Boogie’s speaker. If I’m using my main amps (Boogie/Vox AC-30) I’ll bring this as a backup amp. If a tube goes on me, I’ll just plug my amps speaker into this setup. For other gigs, I’ll use it as my main amp through the Carvin cab.

    This is similar to my current setup. I’m using the 44 through one of my Carvin 2×12 combo’s speakers. The amp needs work and I run everything through a Line 6 Pod HD anyway, so I intend to get a separate cab for this rig. At the 12 o’clock position driving just one speaker (an Eminence Red Coat), the 44 is more than loud enough for live rehearsals, I’d wager that it would work just fine for a live show as well. I realize it’s not the 22, but I’ll bet the 22 through a single speaker cab will be to your liking.


    Here is my “porta-amp” setup finalized. I’ve gigged with it a few times and it works great. The .44 mag sounds great through this Carvin cab. If I know the place I’m playing has a good cab, I’ll just bring the pedal board. The LPB-2ube is the magic in the chain and even works great in front of solid state amps. It’s so portable (everything is on a pedaltrain mini) I’ll bring it for a backup even when using my larger amps.


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