Home Forums Help/Technical Questions .22 Caliber POwers on and off.

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    .22 Caliber POwers on and off. -had this for about 5 months or so – it worked fine and now the power just seem to go on and off and the signal starts and stops – checked cables and still doing the same.


    my first guess would be that the power jack got knocked around, open it up (let it set for a whole day after its last time it was plugged in to be safe from voltage) and see if there is any broken solder connections near the power jack.


    Yep did that already, inside that thing is way too complicated for me – it is all circuit board, no real wires to look at to see any broken connections.

    I have not treated this thing rough either -I take good care of all my stuff – I used this for my Churches VBS to run a speaker for my floor unit – and it was boxed up every night -how long are warranties on these things – anyone know?


    Even if it says that you can use it on 4 ohm cabs, you can’t. Try it on 8 ohms and if the problem persists, then it’s the pedal that is broken


    Nope – only can use it on 8 and 16 ohms – which I did only – still same problem – I ask again though – how long is warranty, anyone, anyone?

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