Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 2 Questions about Memory Boy

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    First- You must to wake up :-) to the web programmers of EH. When the oficial page of the Memory Boy (and Toy too!) will be finished?

    Second- Nobody finds the Memory Boy less warmth than the Memory Man? In some videos (Youtube) I hear the difference betwen MMan and MBoy, and I want to know if it’s true or it’s product of a mistake for the low quality of the sound in youtube. However this possible low quality affect to both, not only at the Memory boy…Uhmmmmmm….

    Sorry for my poor engish and thanks for yours answers!!!


    The MB is a lot darker and lo-fi compared to the MM. They’re two different analog delays with the MM using superior panasonic chips. Don’t try to compare the two….there’s no comparison.


    Thanx for the answer dmc777. Impossible to be much clear.

    Saludos y abrazos!

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