Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 16 Second Delay (Reissue) Gain/Clipping Issue

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    Hello! I have a 16 second delay reissue (actually, it’s at EHX right now getting the 4-beat count-in mod). But I was having some gain/clipping issues and wanted to see if anyone else encountered this.

    I’m using this in a somewhat complicated setup. I run a rhodes, clav, guitar, and a mic into a mixer, then out into a chain of effects that includes the 16 second delay (then into an amp).

    I run the mixer output at unity. None of the other pedals i’m using have any issues with the signal level from the mixer (neunaber seraphim, montreal assembly CT5, moog delay, pigtronix E2D)

    But on the 16 second delay, I find that if I set its input gain so that the pedal is just shy of clipping, then even with the dry signal level at max, it is still notably quieter than when the pedal is bypassed.

    Any ideas on what could be causing this? Thanks in advance for any help!

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