Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 1440 Firmware Update V0.57 – Improved MIDI Clock Sync Stability, MIDI Control

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    1440 firmware update 0.57 is available now through the 1440 Loop Manager app, which can be downloaded from this link: 1440 Loop Manager app.

    Version 0.57 includes bug fixes for improved MIDI Clock sync stability, better MIDI Continue message support, and saves loop fade settings for each loop, through loop fade settings and power cycles. The update also adds MIDI control over nearly all 1440 functions, controls, and parameters through MIDI Program Change (PC) and Control Change (CC) messages and adds a MIDI mode menu where you can set the receive MIDI channel for PC and CC messages.

    Electro-Harmonix 1440 Version 0.57 Release Notes
    December 16, 2021

    1. Bug fix: MIDI SYNC: Improved stability when syncing to external MIDI clock. Tempo and pitch wavering are substantially reduced for most MIDI clock sources. When changing to a new MIDI tempo, the 1440 will take more time to stabilize at the new tempo. This is by design.

    2. Bug fix: MIDI CONTINUE SUPPORT: MIDI Continue messages are now treated the same as MIDI Start messages. Some DAWs will only send a Continue message instead of a Start message when pressing play in the middle of a track. This change introduces compatibility for these DAWs and any other source of MIDI messages that might exhibit such behavior.

    3. Bug fix: FADE TIME SAVED: The 1440 now remembers each loop bank’s fade setting through loop erases and power cycles and until you change the fade setting again or reset the 1440. A loop bank’s fade setting is saved to memory upon stopping a loop. To save a Fade setting, you must either playback or record a loop for the given loop bank, then stop the loop. Once you stop the loop, the setting is saved. Here are the steps to set the Fade setting for any given loop:

    a. Press the MODE knob so that the current menu label blinks.

    b. Turn the MODE knob so that FADE is displayed and blinking.

    c. Press the MODE knob.

    d. Set the FD setting. For example, FD.03.

    e. If the loop bank already contains a loop, press the LOOP footswitch to play the loop. If no loop is in memory, press
    the LOOP footswitch to record a loop.

    f. Stop loop playback by either pressing the STOP/FX footswitch or double-tapping the LOOP footswitch.

    g. The fade setting is now saved for the loop bank. You may exit the FADE menu if you wish.

    4. Added Features: MIDI FUNCTIONAL CONTROL: The 1440 now supports MIDI Program Change (PC) and Control Change (CC) messages to remotely control most functions and parameters on the 1440. Additionally, a new MODE menu has been added called MIDI, which allows the user to set the 1440’s receive MIDI channel from 1-16, Off (ignores MIDI PC and CC messages) or Omni (receive all MIDI channels). See item 5 below for more on MIDI channel. The following is a list of supported PC and CC messages and the functions they control on the 1440:

    a. MIDI PC Functions:
    PC Number /Function
    PC 1 / Select Loop 1
    PC 2 / Select Loop 2
    PC 3 / Select Loop 3
    PC 4 / Select Loop 4
    PC 5 / Select Loop 5
    PC 6 / Select Loop 6
    PC 7 / Select Loop 7
    PC 8 / Select Loop 8
    PC 9 / Select Loop 9
    PC 10 / Select Loop 10
    PC 11 / Select Loop 11
    PC 12 / Select Loop 12
    PC 13 / Select Loop 13
    PC 14 / Select Loop 14
    PC 15 / Select Loop 15
    PC 16 / Select Loop 16
    PC 17 / Select Loop 17
    PC 18 / Select Loop 18
    PC 19 / Select Loop 19
    PC 20 / Select Loop 20
    PC 21 / LOOP FSW Press
    PC 22 / STOP FSW Press
    PC 23 / UNDO/REDO Function
    PC 24 / REVERSE button press
    PC 25 / OCTAVE button press
    PC 26 / 1 SHOT button press
    PC 27 / EXT CLK button press
    PC 28 / MODE knob press
    PC 29 / MODE knob up
    PC 30 / MODE knob down
    PC 31 / STOP function — always initiates the Stop function no matter setting of SW.FX
    PC 32 / RV.OC function — always toggles Reverse and Octave modes
    PC 33 / RETRIGGER function — always initiates the retrigger function if retrigger available
    PC 34 / LOOP ERASE function — must receive three (3) Loop Erase PC commands in a row to perform the loop erase command
    PC 35 / Loop Select Down
    PC 36 / Loop Select Up
    PC 37 / CX 4B direct select
    PC 38 / XT 4B direct select
    PC 39 / CX 3B direct select
    PC 40 / XT 3B direct select
    PC 41 / SW.FX STOP direct select
    PC 42 / SW.FX OCT direct select
    PC 43 / SW.FX REV direct select
    PC 44 / SW.FX RV.OC direct select
    PC 45 / SW.FX TRIG direct select
    PC 46 / TM.KN COAR direct select
    PC 47 / TM.KN FINE direct select
    PC 48 / FADE OFF direct select
    PC 49 / FADE 2 SECONDS direct select
    PC 50 / FADE 4 SECONDS direct select
    PC 51 / FADE OFF direct select
    PC 52 / FADE 1 SECOND direct select
    PC 53 / FADE 3 SECONDS direct select
    PC 54 / FADE 5 SECONDS direct select
    PC 55 / FADE 6 SECONDS direct select
    PC 56 / FADE 7 SECONDS direct select
    PC 57 / FADE 8 SECONDS direct select
    PC 58 / FADE 9 SECONDS direct select
    PC 59 / FADE 10 SECONDS direct select
    PC 60 / FADE 15 SECONDS direct select
    PC 61 / FADE OFF direct select
    PC 62 / FADE 20 SECONDS direct select
    PC 63 / FADE 30 SECONDS direct select
    PC 64 / FADE 40 SECONDS direct select
    PC 65 / FADE 50 SECONDS direct select
    PC 66 / FADE 60 SECONDS direct select
    PC 67 / FADE 70 SECONDS direct select
    PC 68 / FADE 80 SECONDS direct select
    PC 69 / FADE 90 SECONDS direct select
    PC 70 / FADE 99 SECONDS direct select

    b. MIDI CC Functions
    CC Number / Function / CC Data Range
    CC 3 / Button Presses / 1-70 (Mimic all PC button presses)
    CC 7 / LEVEL knob / 0 to 127
    CC 26 / OVERDUB knob / 0 to 127
    CC 27 / TEMPO knob / 0 to 127
    CC 110 / TEMPO knob resolution / 0 to 1 (0 = Coarse, 1 = Fine)
    CC 112 / FADE-Out Time setting / 0 to 99
    CC 115 / Loop Direct Select / 1 to 20 (1 = Loop 1, 2 = Loop 2, etc.)
    CC 116 / EXTC setting / 0 to 3 (0 = CX.4B, 1 = XT.4B, etc.)
    CC 117 / SWFX setting / 0 to 4 (0 = Stop, 1 = Oct, 2 = Rev, etc.)

    5. Added Feature: MIDI RECEIVE CHANNEL: A new mode menu called MIDI has been added to the MODE knob. The MIDI menu allows you to set the MIDI receive channel for PC and CC messages. The channel range is 1-16, Off – where the 1440 ignores MIDI PC and CC messages but still can receive MIDI Clock messages — and Omni – where the 1440 accepts MIDI messages on all channels. By default, MIDI receive is set to channel 1. How to change the MIDI channel:

    a. Press and release the MODE knob so that a menu heading is blinking.

    b. Rotate the MODE knob until MIDI is displayed, and blinking, on the display.

    c. Press and release MODE. The display should now show MD.xx.

    d. Rotate MODE to clockwise to progress upward through the MIDI channels. Rotate MODE counterclockwise to progress
    downward through the MIDI channels. OFF is represented as MD.OF and is located below channel 1. OMNI is represented as
    MD.OM and is located above channel 16.

    e. Once the desired MIDI channel setting is shown on the display, press MODE to exit the MIDI channel menu. The MIDI channel is
    now saved and will be remembered through power cycles and until you change it again or reset the 1440.


    Thank you for the update! May I have your attention here?

    1440 Looper Octave/Reverse Sad Limitations


    Thank you for the update!

    Note that the PC messages starts from 0 not 1!
    For example:
    Right PC Number / Function / Wrong OLD PC (as stated by EHX)
    PC 0 / Select Loop 1 / PC1
    PC 1 / Select Loop 2 / PC2
    PC 3 / Select Loop 3 / PC3

    So if you follow the EHX chart, just remove 1 from the PC number.
    The Midi CCs do match.


    First experiments with EHX1440 controlled by a MorningStar MC3 were quite successful!

    What I’ve successfully programmed so far:
    – switch A: Reverse on/off
    – switch B: on release Octave on/off, long press release sends midi CC for Overdub knob to set it full/127 or lower/88 for loop decay on/off when in Overdub.
    – switch C: on release Undo/Redo, long press release Loop Erase (as 1440 will erase the loop only after having received 3 times erase PC messages in a row… why EHX? it took me a while to figure out how to make this work properly…. on MorningStar the best solution was to use the long press scroll option to send a ricochet of track erase PCs combined with a llong press to send out Stop track PC, but it’s still not working every time.)
    – switch E: midi CC for Tempo knob for full (120BPM) or half speed (60BPM), a long press release sets the CC to 127 to have 1 octave higher (240BPM).
    – switch F: momentary replace by sending PC for Loop Fw and CC for Overdub knob (works very well with long replaces, but short replaces are a bit tricky due to the way the 1440 works, since a fast dual press of the loop fw triggers a loop stop command)

    What I still have to figure is why the midi CCs are not reacting to the MC3’s waveform generators (here the idea would be to control the Tempo knob to create wow/flutter tape style modulation effects).


    Here’s a demo & review of the midi mapping and a tiny guide how I control 1440 with an external midi controller:

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Gila_Crisis.

    Gila_Crisis, thanks for the great video review. It was great to see the new MIDI features in action.

    You are correct that the reason we require three consecutive PC erase messages before a loop is actually erased is to act as a fail-safe so users don’t accidentally erase their loops while scrolling through PC messages. We understand this is annoying to deal with. Maybe something we could consider in a future firmware update is to add a second loop erase PC message which will erase the loop immediately with just one received message. We would probably make it the highest or second highest PC number: 126/127 or 127/128) so that it will be difficult to accidentally send the PC message while scrolling through all the PC numbers.

    Are the MIDI CCs now reacting to the MC3’s waveform generator? It seems like in the video that is now working?

    Thanks again!


    Hey Flick, thank you so much for the great update! The midi mapping is just amazing.
    Yes, 1440 is reacting very well to MC3′ waveform generators (and you can do wonderful crazy stuff with these, as I told in the video, there I was just scratching the surface what you can possibly do)!

    The Wave-generators not working was my mistake… I forgot that when you edit the MC3 by connecting it to Editor App, the generators will start work only after MC3 is disconnected from the Editor.


    Awesome! Glad the wave generator is working with the 1440’s CC mapping.


    Also, it would be very handy to have PC messages for these specific functions: REC, DUB and Play.
    Like PC30 for the Stop.


    I found a bug on 0.57:
    – The Midi PC Nr. 31 (32 in the list above) RV.OC function doesn’t work properly: when I send this one to 1440, it’ll engage both Reverse and Octave as expected, but it also changes the function of the Stop FX switch to Reverse and Octave, no matter how it was set before!

    Otherwise all the the other PCs and CCs are working fine.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Gila_Crisis.

    Thanks for finding this bug. We’ll probably fix this bug and add the requested PC messages (if possible) in February or March.


    Great, looking forward to the upcoming update!


    I have been trying to set up my 1440 with my DMC-3XL by Disaster Area Designs. Program changes are working nicely so I can scroll through the loops. The MIDI clock also seems to be working. However, i have not figured out how to program the CC changes. I have tried adjusting the value as Gila suggested, but it doesn’t seem to respond. Any thoughts?

    All in all loving the pedal even before these extra features. Thanks EHX for your great work!


    Can you explain what you would like to control with Midi CC?
    Stupid question: does your DMC3XL send out the Midi CC in the same midi channel as 1440?

    Here few reference points for Overdub and Tempo:
    CC 26 OVERDUB knob: 0 = knob fully CCW/MIN, 127 = knob fully CW/MAX
    CC 27 TEMPO knob: 0 = Knob at zero (60BPM), 63 = middle position (120BPM), and 127 = max (240BPM)

    Anyhow, Midi CC 3: it works but only on values which correspond to buttons/switches as in the PC section (like a value of 21 will trigger the Loops FSW), but since all these functions are already covered by MIDI PCs, I ask myself how much does it make sense to have this CC.


    Gila, thanks for responding!

    Unlike the morningstar,the DMC will scroll through PC messages but when programming a footswitch it only sends a CC message. (*it might make sense to have 21 be a blank message so a PC code for the loop swtitch isn’t accidentally sent.)
    Here are my options:
    1. DEVICE # – set to “3” as is the MIDI # ON the 1440.
    2. CC # – Also set to “3.”
    3. MESSAGE TYPE – set to “ONE” which only sends the high value. Other options include toggle (switches between high and low values), return (sends the high value followed by the low), note (sends a midi note with the high value being the velocity).
    4. LOW VALUE – currently set to “0.”
    5. HIGH VALUE – I have tried “31” for RV.OC and “32” for retrigger but have gotten no response.

    I will take whatever thoughts you have – it would be great to get even more out of my set-up!

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