Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 12AX7 valves in the English Muffin’

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    I just put a new set of 12AX7’s into my English Muffin but i don’t see any glow at all from them. The sound is awesome but i’ve always been used to seeing power output valves glowing pretty brightly.

    I take it that it’s normal not to be able to see any glow in these preamp valves?

    I sure hope so! LOL!


    There should be some glow it is not that bright

    there is a led on the pcb of my hot tubes to give the illusion that they are cooking maybe this is outshining the tubes

    have you looked at it in the dark ?


    ….also some pre-amp valves don’t appear to glow very bright even in an amp… the new Tung-sol’s are like this because the filaments are almost completely encased in the plate structure, so they don’t appear to light up like some others do. I wouldn’t worry about it if it all sounds well…. it’s probably just the design of the valve.


    ….also some pre-amp valves don’t appear to glow very bright even in an amp… the new Tung-sol’s are like this because the filaments are almost completely encased in the plate structure, so they don’t appear to light up like some others do. I wouldn’t worry about it if it all sounds well…. it’s probably just the design of the valve.

    Thanks for the reply, yeah i think it’s the design of the valves, that you just can’t really see the glow, the sound is fantastic so all seems to be well!

    I love these EH12AX7 valves they give even more distortion and tonal character, not that the original valves were bad, but these make the unit sound even better!

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