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    I’m stuck i’ve heard good and bad reviews about both. What do you think?


    either, I really can’t see any difference in them to be honest…..just go for whatever is the best value, I got the 1-spot pack with the 8 way right-angled chain and the different ends… it’s been fine for the last year. Both have their downsides and neither are the ‘ultimate solution’ but many people use them without problems (apart from the usual ones that you get chaining certain pedals) and for me it wasn’t worth spending more.


    They are virtually the same thing. They’re both digital switch-mode power supplies. The Godlyke is a bit more expensive, but the new version offers an additional 300mA over the 1 Spot, so the price difference is decently justified this time around.

    But then again, how many of us actually NEED nearly 2 Amps of current to spare? Most distortion pedals don’t even use 1% of that…

    Besides, all of their accessories are interchangeable, so it doesn’t matter which you really go with.

    As far as problems, they have all of the benefits and drawbacks you’d expect from digital switch-mode supplies. There is nothing significant I know of or have seen which makes the Godlyke better than the One Spot and vice-versa. But compare them to transformer-based supplies and supplies with isolated outputs, and now we have a real comparison point…

    But as far as the typical powering situation goes, either supply you’re considering works great. It’s only for the unusual powering scenarios that you’d need to look beyond them…


    Voodoo Lab PP2+


    too expensive


    i do own 2 of the one spots but i can not comment on the other. my one spots are powering all of my EH pedals and a crybaby and a BBE Sonic Stomp. about 14 pedals currently on the one spot chains other than the two non EH pedals there all new and vintage mix. and dispite sum users reviews i get no added noise and or weak power. they work great, i just wish it would work for other volt pedals, my poly chorus, holier reverb and black finger need to remain with there wall worts.


    Well, I use PowerJack by Carl MArtin. It’s basically the same concept…

    here in czech republic, they’re really cheap, 6 connectors daisychain with different extenders, something like… 1,4 amps I think. For the money it’s awesome

    I have just 1 thing… don’t use them for powering up your digital delays. Since I bought it, i had Boss DD-20, Carl Mrtin Red Repeat and now i use SMMH. The Red Repeat was OK, dead quiet… it’s not really a digital… but DD-20 and SMMH had a problem – when I turned on my distortion, I could hear pile of annoying noise and popping to the rhytm of flashing LED… not cool

    So use it, butbe prepared for situations like this

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