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    Why do you feel the need to run stompboxes in your effects loop? get a rack unit if you want to go down that route…. personally, I don’t think (most) pedals are really designed for it, all my stomps sound better in front of my amp to me.

    No offence, but that’s a bit short sighted now isn’t it?

    1. I don’t want a rack with one piece of gear in it
    2. I don’t want 500fx .. all sub par
    3. I don’t want 20fx, all excellent digital .. for a thousand euro’s/dollars
    4. I want to solder around in my pedals!!!
    5. … Pedals (should) work fine in fx loops, and I want to be able to footswitch my pedals :)

    It might well be short sighted on the part of pedal makers but i’m just telling it how it is. Stompboxes on the whole are designed to accept instument level signals…. look in almost any manual for a pedal and it will tell you to connect it between guitar and amp. You might think that pedals should work in a line level loop but the fact of the matter is most of them don’t. (very well anyway imo) That’s just the facts as I see them.

    ….I have modulation pedals that clip with hot pickups. :D

    You’re talking around my point ;) Rack systems are allways digital, so it rules out analog magic. Plus in every rack system there are a few great effects, and some crap/worse. With individual pedals you have way more choice in effects (as in you can choose the best pedal per effect).

    One pro for rack systems: one AD/DA, if you have more than one digital pedal that will be a pro.

    You’re talking around my point ;) Rack systems are allways digital, so it rules out analog magic. Plus in every rack system there are a few great effects, and some crap/worse. With individual pedals you have way more choice in effects (as in you can choose the best pedal per effect).

    I agree! I wasn’t suggesting a rack ‘system’ or multi fx (heaven forbid!!) I was just saying that for loop use rack delay/reverbs usually work better than pedals. That’s my point.

    my ‘point’ was to DJo_666 really who seems to be upset that his pedal doesn’t like being in the loop…… and I just don’t think you can expect pedals to work in a line level loop unless it is explicitly stated that it was designed to be used that way. If they do, great…but it shouldn’t be taken as a given imo.

    ….anyway carry on. :)

    You’re talking around my point ;) Rack systems are allways digital, so it rules out analog magic. Plus in every rack system there are a few great effects, and some crap/worse. With individual pedals you have way more choice in effects (as in you can choose the best pedal per effect).

    I agree! I wasn’t suggesting a rack ‘system’ or multi fx (heaven forbid!!) I was just saying that for loop use rack delay/reverbs usually work better than pedals. That’s my point.

    my ‘point’ was to DJo_666 really who seems to be upset that his pedal doesn’t like being in the loop…… and I just don’t think you can expect pedals to work in a line level loop unless it is explicitly stated that it was designed to be used that way. If they do, great…but it shouldn’t be taken as a given imo.

    ….anyway carry on. :)

    Ah yes! My effects life started out with a Boss ME-50, I just loved the analog feel of the thing! :)
    But slowly I started to get more and more loose pedals, until one day I took the ME-50 out of the chain .. and my sound jumped several stages up in quality!

    My point: Multieffects are for beginners or people who don’t know what they want. I know what I want and I want every single sound to be highest quality (within a reasonable price range).

    The strange thing is: my DD-20 is supposed to work well in the loop. And now it does .. but a few days ago (I thought) it was farting around like I described. :S I’m going to play around a bit more today and I’ll post back on it!

    You’re talking around my point ;) Rack systems are allways digital, so it rules out analog magic. Plus in every rack system there are a few great effects, and some crap/worse. With individual pedals you have way more choice in effects (as in you can choose the best pedal per effect).

    I agree! I wasn’t suggesting a rack ‘system’ or multi fx (heaven forbid!!) I was just saying that for loop use rack delay/reverbs usually work better than pedals. That’s my point.

    my ‘point’ was to DJo_666 really who seems to be upset that his pedal doesn’t like being in the loop…… and I just don’t think you can expect pedals to work in a line level loop unless it is explicitly stated that it was designed to be used that way. If they do, great…but it shouldn’t be taken as a given imo.

    ….anyway carry on. :)

    I agree completely. I always assumed that delay devices of any kind would work in the loop, since that’s where so many people use them. I’ve since started checking input specs and testing pedals that I plan to put there.

    I’m not convinced that multi-effects are only for beginners and those who don’t know what they want. So many professional musicians use them, and I’ve found that in the last 3-4 years the quality has improved radically. I haven’t liked the tone quality of the POD gear, but the GT-8 and GT-10 from BOSS are top notch and I suspect that the G-System measures up also. I just find that I don’t want ten parameters in my phaser (for example), and I’d rather get a pedal that I love even (or especially) if it only has one or two controls.

    You’re talking around my point ;) Rack systems are allways digital, so it rules out analog magic. Plus in every rack system there are a few great effects, and some crap/worse. With individual pedals you have way more choice in effects (as in you can choose the best pedal per effect).

    I agree! I wasn’t suggesting a rack ‘system’ or multi fx (heaven forbid!!) I was just saying that for loop use rack delay/reverbs usually work better than pedals. That’s my point.

    my ‘point’ was to DJo_666 really who seems to be upset that his pedal doesn’t like being in the loop…… and I just don’t think you can expect pedals to work in a line level loop unless it is explicitly stated that it was designed to be used that way. If they do, great…but it shouldn’t be taken as a given imo.

    ….anyway carry on. :)

    I agree completely. I always assumed that delay devices of any kind would work in the loop, since that’s where so many people use them. I’ve since started checking input specs and testing pedals that I plan to put there.

    I’m not convinced that multi-effects are only for beginners and those who don’t know what they want. So many professional musicians use them, and I’ve found that in the last 3-4 years the quality has improved radically. I haven’t liked the tone quality of the POD gear, but the GT-8 and GT-10 from BOSS are top notch and I suspect that the G-System measures up also. I just find that I don’t want ten parameters in my phaser (for example), and I’d rather get a pedal that I love even (or especially) if it only has one or two controls.

    Well okay, but the pro’s use rack gear that I could never afford.

    I do have to disagree about the GT-8/10 though, yes at home you can get very very good sounds out of it (after a long time tweaking!). But live .. it just doesn’t have the feel and has a great potential for fizzing and buzzing way too much.

    I guess that is also caused because a lot of people create patches at bedroomvolume, and than play it at live-volume live..

    Also: no I don’t want 10 parameters either, but I do feel a strange attractiom to pedals with 10 knobs strangely enough 😆 I guess I just like actual knobs.. even though I’m a computer geek..


    Hey DJo_666, I just found this out: The Guyatone micro series digital delay has a 0db / -14db switch

    I just thought I’d share the info, I have no idea if it’s usefull to you. ;)

    20 watts
    Why do you feel the need to run stompboxes in your effects loop? get a rack unit if you want to go down that route…. personally, I don’t think (most) pedals are really designed for it, all my stomps sound better in front of my amp to me.

    Pretty stupid statement that.I have been playing for 30 years and like many other guitarists, Ive used pedals in effects loops all the time with no issues apart from some cheaper ones which do drop level and mess up your tone. Good pedals dont.


    Is it as stupid as signing up to the site specifically to respond to a comment posted 3 years ago, by a guy we all like, who was sharing his experience with another guy we all like?

    If you’ve been playing 30 years, that means you’re a grownup. No need to be rude.

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