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  • #125901

    In reply to: Deluxe Big Muff Pi

    Wow! What a nice pedal. I’ve never used anything other than the valves in my Marshall for distortion/overdrive. I thought I’d give the Big Muff Pi a shot, and rather than buying three or four different models (Triangle, Ram’s Head, Green Russian, Op Amp, etc.), and watching Bill Ruppert’s video for the Deluxe I decided to go with this model. I don’t have the actual pedals for comparison, but apparently it is able to produce the timbre of any/all of the Big Muffs. The settings on https://www.ehx.com/assets/blog/deluxe-big-muff-settings.pdf and http://www.kitrae.net/music/Deluxe_Big_Muff_Settings.html cover most of them. The EXP input is a plus in that it gives a Mids sweep Wah type effect as an alternate to my Cock Fight Plus.

    I’ve only had it for two days so I can’t wait to learn its full potential.

    One Muff to rule them all and in the Piness bind them.

    the Muff to rule them all is the original, isnt it? :) my piece of the Pi *says in Gollum’s voice*


    Good afternoon-

    I am the proud owner of what I believe is a V3 Big Muff Pi. My only issue is that it is missing all but one of the enclosure screws. Can I purchase these screws from Electro Harmonix? The local Lowes does not have the right size screw.




    In reply to: Deluxe Big Muff Pi


    Wow! What a nice pedal. I’ve never used anything other than the valves in my Marshall for distortion/overdrive. I thought I’d give the Big Muff Pi a shot, and rather than buying three or four different models (Triangle, Ram’s Head, Green Russian, Op Amp, etc.), and watching Bill Ruppert’s video for the Deluxe I decided to go with this model. I don’t have the actual pedals for comparison, but apparently it is able to produce the timbre of any/all of the Big Muffs. The settings on https://www.ehx.com/assets/blog/deluxe-big-muff-settings.pdf and http://www.kitrae.net/music/Deluxe_Big_Muff_Settings.html cover most of them. The EXP input is a plus in that it gives a Mids sweep Wah type effect as an alternate to my Cock Fight Plus.

    I’ve only had it for two days so I can’t wait to learn its full potential.

    One Muff to rule them all and in the Piness bind them.

    I’ve been thinking lately about EHX pedals. I mean, I like them a lot, I like the sounds that can be achieved with them, I own many (Big Muff, Stereo Memory Man, Stereo Electric Mistress, Micro Pog, Holy Stain, Small Clone, Small Stone, Hot Tubes). But sometimes I think they aren’t quite the highest of qualities out there. I can be sure that the Micro Pog is beautiful but the others kind of have that “old-EHX” sound. I have many and I always feel that if I buy another one it will be more of the “same”, and after trying EQD, Xotic and Strymon(my Timeline OBLITERATES my Stereo Memory Man and the Big Sky is on another planet agains my Holy Stain reverbs) I feel that they have a LOT more quality in their products, and for similar prices. Anyone else feels like this? Like EHX is kinda losing its originality and use them just to “color” some stuff but not as main things on my pedalboard (Hot Tubes is always on, but its the only one). reverse phone lookupnba redditpcpartpicker

    thankyou my issue has been solved



    I am very close to purchasing a new Deluxe Big Muff Pi. I have a question about the unit. If the MIDS EQ section is enabled, what happens if the pedal is switched into and then out of BYPASS mode? In other words, does the pedal retain the on/off status of the MIDS switch when the pedal in placed in and out of BYPASS mode?



    Question 2: What Big Muff (i.e.(Pi, Sovjet, Ramshead) type does the Fuzz on the AttackDecay best compare to?

    It does, it works as is expect until the click, at which point out switches to low. Almost like there’s a latch or something in the pot that’s gone

    The ‘tab’ that limits the rotation probably broke of.

    Trying to repair the ‘broken’ pot is doable but a gamble as there’s a good chance you will break it beyond repair and then what?
    Since it still works, I would just use it as it is. Now you can go from min to max or vice versa with only 60° rotation instead of 300°. :)

    Happy hunting for a new pot.

    Normally, for these niche items I’d suggest Smallbear but even he doesn’t have them for sale, so it’s going to be really hard to find one.
    He does list a pot you could use after a tedious amount of modding to both pot and enclosure:

    With the volume up, the pedal should not be quiet or any quieter than other Big Muff Pi’s. So there might be other issues. This has nothing to do with old or new.

    Black Russian BMP uses linear pots though, so you have to turn the volume up more, compared to a lot of other versions of the BMP which use log pots, to get the same output volume.
    But with volume at max on both, they’re pretty much equally loud.


    I’ve inherited a hefty black Big Muff Pi (made in Russia) and am looking for info on suitable replacement pots. The pot on the right turns 360° with a small click at the max point.

    Also, the output is very quiet (running a synth through it). I’ve read that this is often the case with the older pedals, but to what extent?

    Fresh battery from the shop this morning.
    Lovely noise though :)


    Bass 9 – I think of this as unplugging my guitar and swapping it for a bass so I put it right at the front as if it were an instrument plugged into the pedalboard.

    Rivera Buf1 – Good buffering of a long effects chain is essential to prevent high end signal loss. This is my only non-EHX pedal and it really helps to keep the signal sounding clean by the time it goes through all that cable and effects.

    Hum Debugger – Does a great job of managing noise when I’m using single coils.

    Silencer – I put almost everything else before the time based stuff in the Silencer loop. I carefully set it with the blend and attack so that it’s not too aggressive. Combined with the Hum Debugger it actually keeps the whole thing pretty quiet even when I have lots of effects engaged.

    -> Silencer loop send ->
    Knockout – It’s like being able to morph humbuckers into singles or vice verse. So, I treat it like I would adding harmonics or removing them before I go into everything else. Like an active EQ on my guitar or bass.

    Attack Decay – This has to go before a compressor because it has a built in compressor and controls the volume itself.

    Tone Corset – Input volume control and filtering at the beginning.

    Doctor Q – Filters at the beginning of the like you. Some people like the sound of a wah (or auto wah) after distortion. I like it in front of the distortion.

    Octave Multiplexer – Filtering and analog octave down.

    Pitchfork – More pitch stuff. Digital this time. Again, I like it before dirt.

    Frequency Analyzer – Ring Mod is a type of filter / pitch thing.

    Deluxe Electric Mistress – Flanger. More filtering. I like it before dirt.

    Bad Stone – More filtering. 6 stage phase shifter.

    Small Stone – 4 stage phase shifter.

    Good Vibes – Univibe 3 stage phase (sort of) phase shifter.

    Mod 11 – Digital mod.

    Cock Fight Plus – Wah after filters. Before dirt.

    (Dirt time! I kind of go low gain to high gain.)
    Soul Food – I keep the buffer enabled to clean up the line.
    OD Glove – I run it at 18V for more headroom.
    East River Drive
    Germanium 4 Big Muff
    Hot Wax
    Triangle Big Muff
    Tone Tattoo

    EHX Volume Pedal – Volume AFTER dirt so that the distortion will respond to my picking not my foot.

    -> Silencer Loop Return ->

    Canyon – Delay…delay…delay

    Oceans 11 – Reverbbbbb. I like to verb my delay. Some people like to delay their verb.

    Superego+ (with EHX Expression) – This lets me do some filtering AFTER dirt if I really want to.

    Stereo Pulsar – Close to the end so that I can split the signal. This is one of my few stereo pedals. If I didn’t have the Mod 11 and didn’t care about stereo, I would put this before my delay.

    Stereo Looper 720 – At the very end so that I can capture the completely effected signal in a loop.

    This seems similar to what you have. Filtering first. Compression. Then Dirt. You seem to like your mod after your distortion. That’s definitely a matter of taste. Then your time based stuff. Some people like to delay their reverb. I like to reverb my delay like you. Then, finally the looper to catch all that goodness.


    Lots of pictures of the Rams head inside here:


    I got my Big Muff Pi (ca. 1975, v2) down off the shelf after about forty years of neglect and found that the wires connecting the 9V battery harness had detached from wherever they’d been connected. I searched online but couldn’t find any specific instructions relevant to Big Muffs of this vintage. I inferred as best I could and tried soldering the wires back onto where it seemed tney might belong (positive to the center lug of the on-off switch; negative to the input jack), but when I put in a new battery and turned on the unit, I got nothing (except there was an audible click through the amp when I stepped on the switch). I realize my soldered joints are a bit ugly, but I tested them with a meter, and they are actually connected. I’m including a photo of my Big Muff innards in hopes that someone will be able to tell me the right way to wire that battery harness. Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!


    In reply to: Liner Power Booster 2


    The LPB1 has a very low input impedance, similar to a Fuzz Face, not *as* low but low enough to load down your guitar pickups.

    The disadvantage (similar to a Fuzz Face) is that it may not sound good or as intented when it’s not directly connected to your guitar’s pickups but to the output of another guitar pedal.

    Even a disengaged pedal with a buffer (any Boss pedal) in front of the LPB1 may make it sound too harsh, garbled and gritty.

    You’ll experience the same thing with a Double Muff, Muff Fuzz or Muff Overdrive. Not so much with a Big Muff (despite the similar low input impedance) because of the series resistor at the input.


    I am interested in the S8 Multi-Output Power Supply. The product info says it is “not compatible with pedals that do not work in a daisy chain configuration”. The pedals I use are Bass Preacher, Bass Soul Food, Freeze, and Nano Bass Big Muff Pi. Are any of these pedals not compatible in a daisy chain?


    [img]Discoverd a Big Muff in my closet …trying to establish date..I did also buy it used at that time…25? 30? or more years old??

    Anyone know how I could find out?

    here is a pic link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/niz1b1a77r611bo/IMG_0498.jpg?dl=0%5B/img%5D


    i have a BigMuff pi (it says ec-3003 rev_e on the circut) which has an output problem,i thought this was a good place to seek help on fixing the pedal.
    i bought the pedal 2nd hand so i dont know anything about the care that was taken of it. it worked in 10/10 condition for 5 days until today. now when i run my guitar through the BM its more or less fine,i get the usual volume apart from a slight buzzing. when i activate the pedal there is pretty much no output, i have to turn the volume on my amp and the pedal up to 10 to get any volume which is little to none.
    i have little to some experience with diy and soldering. just wondering if there is an easy fix or what is wrong with it.
    anything helps!
    thanks, conor

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