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  • #86972

    In reply to: My EHX Collection


    you really are getting ehx back!

    whens the vocoder pic coming?? very impatient i am

    I sure am, I got a little big muff from the postman this morning too (bargain, couldn’t resist) wiggler will arrive thursday.

    looks like the Graphic eq might be a couple of weeks though.. :(

    and the tone wicker is maybe 4 weeks away….. 😥

    Impressive….. Most Impressive. Another Quality Product from the EHX Kithchen…. The stew is brewing and there are going to be many asking for seconds…..


    I’m always asking for seconds when it comes to ehx… :D

    …..now where’s this picture of the Big muff with tone wicker? ;)


    In reply to: My EHX Collection

    have you reversed the lid for the picture or does it not have the ‘big muff’ screen print?

    The autograph is on the bottom of the box. It’s a standard BMP box.



    In reply to: My EHX Collection

    have you reversed the lid for the picture or does it not have the ‘big muff’ screen print?

    The autograph is on the bottom of the box. It’s a standard BMP box.


    In reply to: My EHX Collection

    I hope for your sanity that isn’t fake 😆

    I’ll be pretty gutted if it’s a fake :angry:

    But I paid as much for it as I would’ve paid for a wooden box without the autograph, so I’d get over it.

    Those wooden boxes were such a nice touch. I’m bummed that they discontinued that practice, though it might not be as cost effective or environmentally friendly.

    I hope the new cardboard boxes are made from recycled materials.

    have you reversed the lid for the picture or does it not have the ‘big muff’ screen print?

    Great, now I’m having Soul Preacher G.A.S. I’d been eyeing them for a long time, but I ended up finding a great deal on a White Finger in its original wooden box, so I jumped on that instead. I don’t regret it, but now I want both :(

    Speaking of Soul Preachers, I have a Deluxe Big Muff Pi (blend switch version), which has a Soul Preacher built into the circuit. The compression used in isolation (without the fuzz) doesn’t do a very good job of compressing the attack. The compression kicks in just after the attack, and it’s pretty noticeable in an unpleasant way.

    Does anyone know the Dlx BMP well enough to know if it’s supposed to be that way, or if there’s a way to adjust it?

    you don’t need a white finger, black finger and BM deluxe W/SP and soul preacher!!!! facepalm-1.gif

    ….but….does the BMD have a attack knob/switch or whatever?


    Great, now I’m having Soul Preacher G.A.S. I’d been eyeing them for a long time, but I ended up finding a great deal on a White Finger in its original wooden box, so I jumped on that instead. I don’t regret it, but now I want both :(

    Speaking of Soul Preachers, I have a Deluxe Big Muff Pi (blend switch version), which has a Soul Preacher built into the circuit. The compression used in isolation (without the fuzz) doesn’t do a very good job of compressing the attack. The compression kicks in just after the attack, and it’s pretty noticeable in an unpleasant way.

    Does anyone know the Dlx BMP well enough to know if it’s supposed to be that way, or if there’s a way to adjust it?


    In reply to: Post your Pedalboard

    here’s my ‘under construction’ pic. (a mess of wires and pedals at the mo!!)

    It will have my wiggler on it and an XO graphic fuzz and Big Muff/TW before the end of the month hopefully…I’ll have my whammy and wah off board and maybe the tuner if there isn’t room for it.

    Looking good there, mate. Now that I see the Punkifier in context to the rest of the board, it does stand out quite a bit. Still, it always freaks me out to see people rehouse vintage pedals 😥 But I agree, somehow it seems out of place visually.

    yeah, I know what you mean…ideally I’ll pick up another to rehouse….or get someone to clone it (I have a schematic)

    I dunno…..there might not be room for it anyway, we’ll see down the line….I’d like it to look like this.

    and with knobs etc..


    In reply to: Post your Pedalboard

    here’s my ‘under construction’ pic. (a mess of wires and pedals at the mo!!)

    It will have my wiggler on it and an XO graphic fuzz and Big Muff/TW before the end of the month hopefully…I’ll have my whammy and wah off board and maybe the tuner if there isn’t room for it.

    Looking good there, mate. Now that I see the Punkifier in context to the rest of the board, it does stand out quite a bit. Still, it always freaks me out to see people rehouse vintage pedals 😥 But I agree, somehow it seems out of place visually.


    In reply to: Post your Pedalboard


    here’s my ‘under construction’ pic. (a mess of wires and pedals at the mo!!)

    It will have my wiggler on it and an XO graphic fuzz and Big Muff/TW before the end of the month hopefully…I’ll have my whammy and wah off board and maybe the tuner if there isn’t room for it.



    In reply to: Before Or After


    I spend a lot of time playing with pedal order. I have a general rule I setup by, but there are always exceptions to the rules, and those exceptions generally produce the most interesting results.

    Compressors are tricky, because they also sound good at the start of the chain to help the tracking of the Pitch Shifters and the Filters. But I like how they smooth out the peaks in filter effects or deep modulation. They help with issues of overloading in The Worm, The Flanger Hoax, and the DMM. They also help with volume drop issues.

    For standard, in-the-box functionality, I follow this chain:

    Pitch shifting – HOG
    Sustainer – vintage BlackFinger
    Filters – Qtron+, Micro Synthesizer, Octave Multiplexer, PolyPhase, Tube Zipper, Zipper
    Dirt – Big Muff Pi, Deluxe Big Muff Pi, Little Muff Pi, Hot Tubes, Germ OD
    Wah – Muff Fuzz Crying Tone Wah
    Compression – Black Finger (reissue), White Finger, Soul Preacher
    Modulation – PolyChorus, PolyFlange, Electric Mistress, Deluxe Electric Mistress, Small Stone, Flanger Hoax
    Tremelo/Vibrato – Wiggler, Pulsar, The Worm
    Delay – Deluxe Memory Man, Stereo Memory Man (original)
    Reverb – Holiest Grail, Holier Grail, Holy Grail
    Equalizer – 10 Band Graphic EQ
    Looper – Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai, 16 Second Digital Delay


    In reply to: My EHX Collection

    The EH Man
    EHX pre-1983:
    Crying Tone Wah (3006A)
    Deluxe Big Muff Pi
    Deluxe Electric Mistress (w/ green on black graphics)
    Deluxe Memory Man, ’78 blue 4-knob (Howard Davis delay time mod)
    Deluxe Memory Man, ’78? blue 5-knob
    Electric Mistress (18v)
    Electric Mistress (9v)
    Instant Replay w/ Trigger Pad
    Little Muff Pi
    Mini Mixer
    PolyPhase (Howard Davis LFO rate mod)
    Small Stone v.1
    Small Stone v.3
    Switchblade x2
    Volume Pedal
    10 Band Graphic Equalizer (black)
    10 Band Graphic Equalizer (silver)

    EHX: post-1983
    16 Second Digital Delay with Foot Controller
    Big Muff Pi, NYC RI (stock)
    Big Muff Pi, NYC RI (RonSound Classic Hairpie mod)
    Blackfinger (tube)
    Deluxe Memory Man (built in power, Howard Davis delay time mod)
    Flanger Hoax X 2
    Germanium O.D.
    Holy Grail
    Holiest Grail
    Hot Tubes (PureTube version)
    Micro Synthesizer
    Octave Multiplexer
    Q-Tron +
    Stereo PolyChorus
    Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai
    Tube EQ
    Tube Zipper

    PS-3 Pitch-shifter/delay
    PN-2 Tremelo/pan
    GE-7 Graphic EQ
    LS-2 Line Selector
    TU-2 Tuner

    Digitech Synth Wah
    Digitech XP-1000
    DOD FX80B Comp/Sust
    Dunlop GCB-95 Crybaby
    M-Audio EX P (x2)
    Labyrinth (DIY)
    Roland RE-101 Space Echo
    ZVex Fuzz Factory (gold sparkle)
    ZVex Lofi Loop Junky

    Slacker ;)


    In reply to: My EHX Collection


    EHX pre-1983:
    Crying Tone Wah (3006A)
    Deluxe Big Muff Pi (1330)
    Deluxe Electric Mistress (w/ green on black graphics)
    Deluxe Memory Man, ’78 blue 4-knob (Howard Davis delay time mod)
    Deluxe Memory Man, ’78? blue 5-knob
    Electric Mistress (18v)
    Electric Mistress (9v)
    Instant Replay w/ Trigger Pad
    Little Muff Pi
    Mini Mixer
    PolyPhase (Howard Davis LFO rate mod)
    Small Stone v.1
    Small Stone v.2
    Small Stone v.3
    Switchblade x2
    Volume Pedal
    10 Band Graphic Equalizer (black)
    10 Band Graphic Equalizer (silver)

    EHX: post-1983
    16 Second Digital Delay with Foot Controller
    Big Muff Pi, NYC RI (stock)
    Big Muff Pi, NYC RI (RonSound Classic Hairpie mod)
    Blackfinger (tube)
    Deluxe Memory Man (built in power, Howard Davis delay time mod)
    Flanger Hoax X 2
    Germanium O.D.
    Holy Grail
    Holiest Grail
    Hot Tubes (PureTube version)
    Micro Synthesizer
    Octave Multiplexer
    Q-Tron +
    Stereo PolyChorus
    Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai
    Tube EQ
    Tube Zipper

    PS-3 Pitch-shifter/delay
    PN-2 Tremelo/pan
    GE-7 Graphic EQ
    LS-2 Line Selector
    TU-2 Tuner

    Digitech Synth Wah
    Digitech XP-1000
    DOD FX80B Comp/Sust
    Dunlop GCB-95 Crybaby
    M-Audio EX P (x2)
    Labyrinth (DIY)
    Roland RE-101 Space Echo
    ZVex Fuzz Factory (gold sparkle)
    ZVex Lofi Loop Junky


    In reply to: GeOD


    Here’s a soundclip I posted using 3 different EHX distortions: http://soundclick.com/share?songid=6820524

    Deluxe Big Muff Pi, Reissue Hot Tubes, Germanium OD

    There are only 2 different riffs, each played 3 times.

    Can you guess which distortion was used with which riff?

    Riff 1a
    Riff 1b
    Riff 1c
    Riff 2a
    Riff 2b
    Riff 2c



    In reply to: Post your Pedalboard

    Dr. Matt

    Ok, as promised, I managed to find the camera (hidden in the strange compartment at the top of a chest of draws with a door that opens from the bottom that i used to call the “cakey” when i was a kid).


    Some mysterious stuff there. I tried to get my amp in the pic as much as possible without showing up how much of a mess of boxes and cables there is next to it – and excuse the random jar of small change – that is my dad’s, i don’t know what its doing there really.

    For the sake of any questions – the squiffy little guitar is a hofner shorty that i bought on tuesday. Its actually lovely to play and sounds pretty good too. Simply put in the photo because it was small enough to fit.

    Then the pedals: The wah is first in the chain – its a vintage JEN “mister crybaby super” that i managed to get for £15. The 2 silver pedals are a Marshall JH-1 OD/Distortion and ED-1 Compressor. The vox is just a channel/reverb switch for my amp. That odd colourful pedal is a Danelectro Talkbox, it does the job, although i wish i’d got something a little better. The orange pedal is a Boss DS-2, which is very underrated IMO. The next 3 need no introduction – EHX Big Muff and small stone, and a small clone in the FX loop. Also in the FX loop is that bashed up danelectro delay pedal which cost me £2. All these are powered by a godlyke PA-9UK or a SoundLab Pedal Power 450.

    The amp is a laney VC30. I run all my distortions into a very slightly overdriven amp all the time – it just thickens up the sound and smooths off the harshness that comes from the transistors and diodes.

    Long post, but i love discussing gear a bit too much :P

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