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  • #88992

    Okay, now that I’m squared away on buying a Tube Zipper, I figured I’d ask the advice of the forum on another matter.

    I used to own an NYC Big Muff Pi. I found it worked great for doing the J Mascis wild trem rocking solos, but I wasn’t really happy with the way it swallowed my chords (especially high end notes) for rhythm playing. So I sold it. But, after going through a number of boutique fuzzes, I’ve found that I still miss the lead sound I had with the Muff, so I figured I’d buy another one. Should I go with another big box NYC, or is there another version that has the really wild fuzzy character and smooth sustain of the NYC, but works better for chords? Black Russian? Bass Muff? Little Big Muff? Tone Wicker (has anyone here actually played this one yet?)?


    In reply to: Graphic Fuzz

    You should try it and maybe you’ll know what I am talking about. The Graphic Fuzz has a lot you can deal with while plugging your bass into. I’ve tried it with a 4 String P Bass and I was able to get some really great sounds out of it. This doesn’t replace the the awesome Bass Big Muff Pi, but you have a larger pallet to play with. It’s all experimentation…

    Oh yes, I agree about experimentation. But I’m done buying pedals that I can’t use with my band, and if a fuzz pedal cuts my lows, I’m not going to be able to be heard in the band. Otherwise, yes I really want to try it. I tried to get my guitarists to buy a Graphic Fuzz, so I can play with it, haha.

    If you can try to convince the drummer to buy one, then you have a future in sales, my friend….hahaha.

    That is true, once you get that sound, you hold on to it for the project. An yes, if has has the lows, it can get washed, but it can also add some more bottom if going for that classic stoner Muff sound. You can also throw the highs in the mix to really stand out and get the ice pick sharpened for the intended user’s ear. It can do that and more.

    So next time you go to a music shop with the drummer, sneak a Graphic Fuzz in with the drumsticks, grip tape and metronome, drummers are a bit slow, he’ll think its a comb.

    Have Fun!


    In reply to: Graphic Fuzz

    You should try it and maybe you’ll know what I am talking about. The Graphic Fuzz has a lot you can deal with while plugging your bass into. I’ve tried it with a 4 String P Bass and I was able to get some really great sounds out of it. This doesn’t replace the the awesome Bass Big Muff Pi, but you have a larger pallet to play with. It’s all experimentation…

    Oh yes, I agree about experimentation. But I’m done buying pedals that I can’t use with my band, and if a fuzz pedal cuts my lows, I’m not going to be able to be heard in the band. Otherwise, yes I really want to try it. I tried to get my guitarists to buy a Graphic Fuzz, so I can play with it, haha.

    Ned Flanders

    The metal muff is, contrary to popular belief, a distortion not a big muff derivative or a fuzz, It has a 3 band EQ which makes it really easy to dial in your individual sound and the mids knob is particularly useful for scooping the mids. The gain knob goes from mild overdriven Marshall kinda sounds to maxed out SLAYER kinda distortion, it it useful through the full rotation of the knob, not just a third or so like other high gain distortions, it really cleans up well with this knob and you can get some really convincing classic stack sounds with it, even through a twin reverb. It palm mutes very well, real chuga chuga type. The top boost is pretty cool if used sparingly but if you over do it it will become harsh, the key is to just set it a little above you distorted volume so it stands out for solos etc. The main part of the metal muff that catches my interest is the fact that it really does emulate a Marshal/Mesa stack really well, Its quite amazing how it turns a fender twin into a stack convincingly, its not advertised to do so but it does it quite well IMO.

    If you want a high gain distortion capable of going from mild to high gain distortion this is it, its very versatile and sounds amazing, its a very underrated pedal.
    Check it out on youtube!

    Very true. From what I’ve heard I think my Little Big Muff sounds better than the Swollen Pickle.

    But at the same time there’s the part of me that would love to make a board with 10 different big muff variations on it.

    That’s why I chose FUZZ for my forum name. I have a large personal collection of Fuzz Pedals and Devices. I have been doing this for a long time and different recording sessions brought on new ideas and duties, thus the large collection. Sometime in your life and every ones life, you need to have 1 of each Muff, not because I work here, but for the money, used or new, you can get a great sound for a few dollars. Each is different and each inspires you to try something different. You should never get bored playing guitar. These are devices that fuel inspiration….. So rock on!

    You’re killing me with GAS, FUZZ . I can’t afford this kind of habit. :facepalm:

    Very true. From what I’ve heard I think my Little Big Muff sounds better than the Swollen Pickle.

    But at the same time there’s the part of me that would love to make a board with 10 different big muff variations on it.

    That’s why I chose FUZZ for my forum name. I have a large personal collection of Fuzz Pedals and Devices. I have been doing this for a long time and different recording sessions brought on new ideas and duties, thus the large collection. Sometime in your life and every ones life, you need to have 1 of each Muff, not because I work here, but for the money, used or new, you can get a great sound for a few dollars. Each is different and each inspires you to try something different. You should never get bored playing guitar. These are devices that fuel inspiration….. So rock on!


    Very true. From what I’ve heard I think my Little Big Muff sounds better than the Swollen Pickle.

    But at the same time there’s the part of me that would love to make a board with 10 different big muff variations on it.


    In reply to: Graphic Fuzz

    Man, every time I see the old chasis pedals XO’ed, it makes me want my Polychorus and Micro Synth shrunk down. The XOs just look so damn cool.

    Hey EHX, how about a bass graphic fuzz? ;)


    The Micro-Synth has neen shrunk down. The Graphic Fuzz’s left last week and were shipped out with such fierce and fury that the sound on the block will never be the same.

    good grief. :rawk:

    The Graphic Fuzz sounds great with the bass. You can get some really off the wall type of Bass wails with this box. Especially with the EQ function when engaged. It really cuts the bass freqs and makes it work… Drummers will like you even more now.

    I fail to see how something can “sound great with the bass” and “cut the bass freqs” at the same time.

    You should try it and maybe you’ll know what I am talking about. The Graphic Fuzz has a lot you can deal with while plugging your bass into. I’ve tried it with a 4 String P Bass and I was able to get some really great sounds out of it. This doesn’t replace the the awesome Bass Big Muff Pi, but you have a larger pallet to play with. It’s all experimentation…


    yeah I was watching the Swollen Pickle Mk2 PGS video and I thought to myself “this doesn’t sound all that much like a muff to me, but it does sound pretty cool never the less”

    Maybe after I get the Bass Big Muff and the Tone Wicker Muff, I’ll find a used MK2 somewhere


    In reply to: Mogwai Big Muff…


    (if you haven’t already, y’all should page through the EHX blog — https://www.ehx.com/blog — I think you’ll find some fun stuff there.)

    I don’t know all the particulars of the Mogwai Pi, but my first guess is that it must have been a stock Muff with a custom screen (but I’m also happy to be corrected…).


    In reply to: Post Your Big Muff(s)

    Ned Flanders

    Any mods to the russians? What happened to the “metal” in the muff?

    Yeah, the new russian is actually an NYC big muff inside, the older russian is modded to somewhere in between the black and the NYC bmp, the LBM is modded to the current NYC bmp, the current bmp has tone bypass, the IC bmp is stock besides true bypass.

    The metal muff,… I removed all the text so it just says “muff”, thats boredom for ya!


    Topic: Mogwai Big Muff…

    in forum The Lounge
    Kevin Demuth

    i’ve never seen one of these before… i didn’t even know they existed; there’s one on Ebay UK at the moment (it’s not mine by the way!). just thought i’d share. :thumb:




    In reply to: Post your Pedalboard


    I was going to post mine, but my green big muff’s switch crapped out and is prepping for some surgery. But, my board is now: big muff > small clone > deluxe memory man.

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