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  • #211127

    I’m looking to put my effects through an audio switcher and I’m looking at the Super Switcher. A question or two if I may…
    – Say I wanted to have my effects in a rack, maybe in a drawer as some do. Could the Super Switcher control a rack mounted audio switcher with its MIDI output, say something like a Voodoo Labs GCX?
    – Same scenario… effects in a drawer on a rack. Could the Super Switcher also be in/on the rack looping the effects and be controlled by a remote MIDI footswitch? I’m talking just a generic MIDI footswitch like say, a Roland FC-200 or RFX Midibuddy.


    If you place a pedal with a lot of gain in front of the attack decay, it may confuse the trigger with noise and lack of dynamics.
    BUT try it and see what works for you. No real rules.


    In reply to: Longest Rhythm file?


    Please write the techs at info@ehx.com


    Please write the techs at info@ehx.com


    Its designed to be run at 9 volts. More and you may pop a protection diode or voltage regulator.
    At your own risk…


    Topic: Small clone

    in forum Vintage EHX

    I just purchased a 1981 small clone with the ret icon sad1024a chip
    For 600 is this reasonable and what would it dound like compared to a new one


    Hi there – two questions regarding the EHX 95000:

    1) I’m finding the device very sensitive to audio clipping without having the input levels down very very low – any tips or tricks to manage this? I’m surprised given the headroom the device should have

    2) I use a Morningstar MC8 to control the looper. When I hit record and start recording the loop, after hitting play there is a moment of silence before the loop kicks in. This isn’t captured in the recording – the loop stays in time. It’s just in the initial setting of the first loop…which interrupts the flow and just kind of sounds bad. I’m on the most recent firmware for both devices – have you heard of this issue? Any suggestions?



    Has anyone tried running their DMM Nano at 12 volts? I have the 550TT DMM which runs fine on 12V. I actually think it sounds a bit better at the higher voltage

    I checked the manual on the Nano and it says “Do not exceed 12VDC”, implying that 12 should be fine, but I’d prefer to hear if others have experience doing it before potentially damaging my pedal

    An issue might be if it already runs an internal charge pump of some kind, to get the power requirement down to 9V


    In reply to: Longest Rhythm file?


    Hello, I just bought the 22500 looper, and I am currently waiting for it to arrive. I was doing some research in the meantime, and I am wondering about the length of the custom rhythm loops and quantization. The OP wanted to have a long loop, but didn’t care about quantization. I am curious if it is possible to have a very long drum loop for the duration of a whole song (for example 30 or more bars in 4/4 or 3/4 most likely), but be able to make much shorter guitar loops – like 1 to 4 bars long?

    The reason for my asking is that if it was possible to do that, one could prepare a drum loop that changes parts throughout the song between verse/chorus/bridge, etc. and the guitar loops would serve as a recurring motif in certain parts or as a backing for the solo section that could be build up at some point in the song.


    The EHX Attack Decay manual recommends the pedal to be placed before distortionn. This pedal is also buffered.

    If to follow the manual, I place the Attack Decay first, ie before my Germanium OD, will the Germanium OD handle well to be placed after a buffered pedal ?

    If I place the Germanium OD first, before the Attack Decay, will the Attack Decay operate correctly ?

    Thanks !


    • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by onduleur.

    I got a Two Notes Torpedo CAB M+ a little while ago and I’ve been looking around for good preamps to use with it. And I was reminded of the Ehxtortion. Has anyone else used it this way, as a preamp into a cab sim? It seems like it would work well, but I was just wondering if anyone had some experience with it they could share. Thanks!


    I have a version 2 Small Stone but upon opening it up, I found that the circuit is the pre PCB V1 style one and the pot is dated 1976, the rear enclosure also doesn’t have a battery hatch. The obvious answer is that at some point in its life, someone just swapped the faceplate for a V2 one but out of interest, I wondered if anyone else had come across any other old EHX pedals like this? Or if there might have been a cross over period where the old boards were used with the the newly designed faceplate.


    In reply to: POG3 attack questions

    1. The Attack function in the POG3 is based on the algorithm found in the POG2 rather than the HOG1. The POG’s attack curve tends so sound faster. We will check it out though and make sure it is working correctly.

    2. This behavior you described with the DRY signal being available in Freeze+Gliss when the expression pedal is in the full toe position is intentional, to allow you to play over the frozen sound. Maybe we can add a menu control that does not allow the Dry signal to be available in a future firmware update. We will definitely consider it.


    Hi, I just got the POG3 a few days ago and I have a few questions about the attack features:

    1. The manual says the maximum attack time is 3 seconds. Having the slider all the way up definitely produces a swell effect but you can hear a good deal of output almost immediately when playing/strumming. Is there some option in the menu that can extend the attack time to the stated 3 seconds? For the last 10 or 12 years I’ve been playing the HOG1 which can do very slow attacks.

    2. When playing with the dry attack button engaged, the attack slider up and freeze gliss expression mode, I noticed that when the expression pedal is completely toe-down, the dry signal suddenly ignores the attack setting and comes through 100%. As soon as you pull the expression pedal back just slightly, the dry signal goes back to the correct attack setting. Is this intentional or a bug? Typically with the freeze gliss expression mode I like to let a chord ring out in the toe-down position, strum the next chord and then gradually rock the expression pedal back to let the new chord fade in. But with this behavior I can’t use the dry signal since it’ll be audible immediately.

    If better explanations are needed I’m happy to record a video and post here. Thanks for any feedback!


    I solved it!

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