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Check out this easy way to get a spectacular “over the top” overdrive sound.

The Muff Overdrive pedal by itself has a slightly dark, medium distorted sound. Perfect for vintage blues.

Adding a Soul Preacher pedal in front of the Muff Overdrive supercharges the sound, taking the overdrive to the next level.

Here’s why: The output of the Soul Preacher pedal is low impedance. This drives the Muff Overdrive harder while producing a more transparent top end.

Below is a demo video of the sound and settings for both pedals.

A Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai mod delay was used on the entire track

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These pedals were conceived of and designed by EHX from globally sourced components. Every EHX pedal goes through a stringent testing process by musicians and technicians in NYC before packing.

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