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Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins discusses his “first recognition of the power that the Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi”  had in establishing his sound and early tonal foundation.
The established identity of the Big Muff Pi is well known throughout the music world. When it is talked about, first hand, the weight and humor of Billy’s recollection deliver one more powerful endorsement of just how important the Big Muff Pi  and the Deluxe Electric mistress have had and continue to have to the entire guitar playing world. Special thanks to Kerry P. Brown of Coldwater Studio for his permission to present this insightful article.

This is the full article Billy Corgan “first recognition of the Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi”

This pedal was conceived of and designed by EHX from globally sourced components. Every EHX pedal goes through a stringent testing process by musicians and technicians in NYC before packing.

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