Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Mel9 issues, crackling, poor tracking, notes play from wrong octave

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    Today I received a Mel9 pedal but it is not performing as expected (based on watching videos and owning other EHX pedals, POG2 and Ravish) the tracking seems very glitchy and unstable, there is a crackling noise, when I use the cello mode and run through a scale some notes will play in a higher octave than its neighbour, with the string mode some notes on the high E string barely register (even on low frets). I assume this is not right?

    I am using the power supply that came with it, running it first in the chain, and tried a range of guitars.

    Any help would be appreciated


    edit: i’m not sure about the change of octaves now, there is definitely a shift in timbre between nearby notes but think the fundamental is right, maybe this just reflects cellos samples being pushed out of their range. other issues remain though


    here are some examples

    1. playing higher notes barely engage despite picking very forcefully, lower notes with the same force are much louder


    2. crackling. when notes fade (requires headphones to hear)



    I have seen your problem before and it stems from the output of the guitar not being even. The higher strings are thinner and have less output causing the Mel to be softer in that range.
    1. You could raise the pickups on the treble side to even the response of the guitar.
    2. Use a compressor after your guitar and that WILL even your output.
    3. Make sure you use the bridge pickup and a humbucker is best.
    Hope that helps

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