Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Deluxe Bass Big Muff Pi – tips needed for the Blend feature

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  • #86533


    I have a Deluxe Bass Big Muff Pi. One of the things which drew me toward this fuzz pedal was the Blend feature, so that I could maintain a powerful bottom end on my bass while using fuzz.

    While the bottom end is retained, I seem to be struggling to get a heavy fuzz. If I go for the heavy fuzz I lose the bottom end. The blend seems to require a lot balancing rather than me staying I want X amount of clean and Y amount of fuzz as you’d get with a blender utility device.

    This does means I have resorted to using a blender pedal to mix in my clean signal in order to maintain bottom end, but to get the full fuzz I desire.

    This seems like the Blend feature is completely useless on this pedal if I am still needing to use a utility device to blend my clean with the fuzz, to maintain my bottom end but to get the massive amount of fuzz I want.

    Surely there’s a way to have a lot of fuzz and keep a powerful bottom end, otherwise, why does this “deluxe” feature even exist?

    Does anyone have any advice on how to use the blend properly to maintain a powerful bottom end with huge fuzz? Ideally I do not want my bottom end to drop out at all when the pedal is engaged, and I want the maximum fuzz this pedal can pump!


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