Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Grand Canyon CV for loop timing?

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    I picked up a Grand Canyon a few days ago and have been playing around with using the EXP jack with CV output from an Arturia KeyStep. I read through the manual and it doesn’t have a whole lot of info on using CV in general, so I figured I’d ask here: is there any way to use CV to trigger loop start/stop times?

    I’m having a blast playing with it, in general, but being able to sync the loops with the rest of my gear would, of course, bring it to the next level.

    EDIT: assuming this wasn’t going to pan out, I re-checked the manual to see if I could use the external footswitch connection to rig up a midi-to-relay-to-TRS using an arduino, but it doesn’t look like you can start/stop loops from there, either, can you? https://www.ehx.com/assets/instructions/gc-16.png

    If that’s the case, is there any chance of a firmware update someday that would provide any way of remotely triggering loop start/stop? Either through the EXP or footswitch jacks?


    Hi please write the techs on Monday.
    they can help you:


    Just to follow up on this, I spoke with the tech(s) and they said an arduino+relay should work fine to close the contacts on the loop start/stop footswitch based on MIDI signals, but they also pointed out that the 1440 looper pedal has MIDI control as one of its key features, and it’s very reasonably priced, so I just ordered one of those instead of risking my new Grand Canyon with a homebrew solution.

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