Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Oceans 12 Dual Mode

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    I just got my new Oceans 12 Reverb a few days ago and think it’s really cool, got great sounds.

    I am having some trouble with the dual mode though.

    When it’s in parallel, the volume of my dry signal jumps up a lot, so it is pretty unusable.

    I tried it in series, but then I can’t balance the reverbs how I want to. Say with a Hall (Reverb A) and a Shimmer (Reverb B), I’ll keep the Hall at about 2 o’clock, and Shimmer at 9 o’clock (to be more subtle), hoping that if I put Reverb A into B, it will be mostly a hall with a little bit of shimmer mixed in on top. Like if I was running two pedals next to each other. But for some reason that is not what’s happening. I’m not sure if I’m missing something.

    But with these settings, A into B, there is very little reverb at all. With B into A, it’s loud with what sounds like only shimmer, which is definitely not what I was trying to achieve.

    I love EHX and want to use this pedal, but struggling to figure it out.

    The closest I could get was running it in parallel. I thought I’d try the shimmer 100% wet so I could mix it next to the hall, which sounded okay, though I couldn’t get very specific with the mixing. The problem with this method was that if I wanted to just use the shimmer it would jump up in volume and my dry signal disappears haha

    Maybe it’s something the pedal cannot do or maybe I have a faulty unit. Any answer to this would be much appreciated! :)

    Sorry for the long post! I have spent many hours trying to solve it.


    James please write the designer at


    He can help you out.

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