Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Synth-9 Question – using Volume Pedals with Wet/Dry Outputs

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    I started playing around with my volume pedal in the chain following my synth-9 pedal, as I found that swelling into the pedal didn’t mesh well with the tracking, whereas swelling after the pedal made for some glorious results.

    The thought occurred to me that the synth-9 has both a wet and dry output on it…if I routed each of these effects to their own volume pedals, would it actually be possible to swell in each signal path individually? I’m thinking like swelling in just the synth tracking on chords or vice-versa. I know on one of the settings, the knobs on the synth-9 end up performing different functions than the rest…but I’m not sure if there is any relationship there with the outputs of the pedal.

    Before throwing down money on another VP and taking up board space, figured I’d get some thoughts!



    Sure that would work great. You could then route the synth to its own amp and swell it in when needed.

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