Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Final Hail-Mary 45000 Help Thread

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    I wanna bump this issue please.




    Please can somebody help me out, this has been a really unreliable piece of kit, I think more so than anything I’ve ever had (and that includes an Ampeg VL1002 valve amp that SETS ITSELF ON FIRE).

    I really like the 45000 though, it is tantalizingly close. But look the fact of this; up to a point where I ditched the foot controller and all the joy it could bring, during the guarantee period I’d paid about £35 per hour for use of this device without experiencing problems. That excludes problems that were just caused by me being a twat. The file system. The foot controller. The sprung catch for the memory card. Now my 2nd PSU (these are so lightweight) in about 4 years has just failed, from only home and studio use.

    So, I ask again, following the bottom/most recent link above – can I use any sort of generic hardware to simply trigger the record on/off if I’m on ANY 2 handed instrument? It’s the only way that I really miss the footswitch. My unit is past warranty, my footswitch unit itself has been tested with another 45000 with no issue. I had tested it with multimeter, no continuity faults etc., I just ended up selling mine to that other user who did not experience the same problem I did. A workaround solution would be good, even as a PM if you dont want to advertise it.

    Give a brother a break. Come on mang. I’ve had a 20+ year relationship with EHX, given you a lot of money and word of mouth, the 45000 is a great idea that has been really poor in operation any time you go beyond its most basic functions. It doesn’t seem that well tested, I do feel like EHX could just do me a solid here. I aint spending more money on this and I don’t want to sell it. Why should I. Please!! xx

    Won’t ask again.


    I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing more issues with your 45000. Is the main issue or question right now: how do you control the 45000 remotely with your feet using a generic device?

    If yes, the 45000 does allow for many of its buttons to be controlled via MIDI Program Change (PC) messages. So you could look into a MIDI Foot Controller. The Behringer FCB1010 might be a good starting point but if you only need to press the REC button remotely, then the FCB1010 might be overkill.

    Another option is the Tech21 MIDI Mongoose which is a smaller MIDI foot controller. The MIDI Mongoose works with PC banks. So you would choose a bank which makes available 5 functions for the 45000. For example, if you choose the bank that starts with MIDI PC 106, then you have the following functions available on the footswitches, from left to right: REC button, Select Track 1, Select Track 2, Select Track 3, Select Track 4. If you choose the bank starting with PC 111, then you have the following functions available, from left to right: NEW button, QUANTIZE button, REC button, PLAY button, REVERSE button.

    See page 20 of the 45000’s manual for a list of the MIDI PC functions and their assignments.

    What are you now using to power the 45000?


    Thanks Flick, appreciate the detailed response again. I’ve just repaired the 2nd broken PSU for now…

    Yeah, the outstanding issue is that I can only get reliable operation as a desktop device i.e.without foot switching, which inhibits easy use with any 2 handed instrument. That is, at least without workarounds that affect performances and general intuitive use, which is a discreet but total bummer of an influence.

    Sorry – yeah aware of the MIDI function, I didn’t mention that don’t own any MIDI controllers and purchasing more kit in this instance isn’t a go-er. e.g.The Tech21 is £150+ from Thomann Europe’s UK outlet. I’m not able anyway, but tbh I’m probably not willing to, even if I was. It’s too expensive for a workaround.

    I was really hoping that since the 45000 footswitch connects just by instrument cable, that it worked by something along the lines of control voltage and some sort of modified generic non-latching switch could be utilised. Honestly all I really want is to trigger record on/off.


    The 45000 actually sends serial data to its Foot Controller over the TS cable so unfortunately you can’t use just a generic foot switch with the 45000.

    You had said your old 45000 Foot Controller works fine on someone else’s 45000 but was problematic with your unit. Possibly the Foot Controller jack on your 45000 is no good? Was it ever looked at or repaired?


    Ahhh ok, that makes sense thanks. Does it send a small voltage down the sleeve for the display, and serial data back through the tip? Figured it would be more sophisticated than a CV signal but never hurts to hope. What I was hoping was that I could build something, hah.

    The footswitch issue was a bit odd to be honest. It was more like a trigger for the file system issues I describe in the first link above; rendered the memory card useless until you fully formatted it. It actually worked in so far as the commands seemed to get through – it switched loops up/down, it changed tracks fine, it (kinda) set it off recording. Unfortunately by the time I’d made the link between using the footswitch and the problems I was experiencing, simply because I never thought to test it without the footswitch (it made no sense that it was even related to it), I was then past warranty. That’s why I just sold the switch on when I had an opportunity, it being a serendipitous one.

    Ah look, never mind. I suppose I can look out for a Midi controller down the line and, er, work on my legato and single strokes :/ . I appreciate the transparency here and I appreciate it ain’t your problem I can’t afford more things, thank you anyway.

    I aint sour on your stuff, still into it. Bit of a downer here but I’ll live.


    Did you sell the Foot Controller before reformatting the card? And reformatting the card cleared up the problems you were having recording loops?


    No, and yes. It works fine in very basic operation now, as I say I was just hoping for a hack without having to purchase any more hardware, you’ve pretty much answered my question.

    But if it’s any use to know, it cascaded like this:

    1) I could make my way through a jam on one loop patch. It seemed to be working round-about right if I stayed in that Loop patch.

    2) If I changed loop, restarted the device, did anything outside of the most basic operation, it was “gone” and nothing worked anymore. Any further attempt to record on any track on any patch, REC light just flashed. If you looked on the SD card, nothing was there. A decent metaphor would be to say it was as if the recording was floating in a volatile memory and not written to disk.

    Obvs I’d tried firmware u/g etc., different SD cards, basic stuff, then I came and asked for help in the first thread I’ve linked to in my OP.

    3) Full format following your advice allowed me to get a solid REC light again, but I was only back around to step #1.

    So yeah, full-formatting SD had temporarily resolved what I thought was the primary issue, and then I’d later find that something was sending it back into the faulty state. It took a long time to troubleshoot it and eventually link it with the footswitch. I had no reason to make that link initially, since the switcher was commanding as it ought to have. I thought it was a problem with the main unit – which I suppose it probably will be, albeit in a different way than I thought at the time.

    I knew it wasn’t a blanket/factory problem because I’d had a good few very basic plays around with it without any issue, I just hadn’t had time to properly integrate it into any sort of setup and go deep. I’d bought the main unit and switch separately, just not at a wide enough interval for it to be glaringly obvious that the it was the cause. As I’d mentioned before, this whole thing had gotten very woolly as I intermittently worked through the prime candidates for causing all this.

    Once I’d eventually got around to trying it without the switch – the file/recording problem never happened again, literally never. So I just stopped using it and I sold the controller quite far down the line, well after it’d become apparent that it was linked.

    For context – it really was a hail-mary reachout. I realise it’s my fault for not jumping on it within warranty, and putting myself in a position to be looking for a hack. It just seemed like a glitch and I just wasn’t in a position to have it easily serviced. I remember at the time, I couldn’t even afford to post it anywhere if I needed to. It’s had other problems over time e.g.it is disproportionately whingey when trying to sync, USB link to PC is glitchy (things I can live without easily, personally), plus the bits of the hardware I mentioned being a bit sketchy, plus reading other users’ issues with it on here does seem to indicate it’s not just my unit being touchy..

    Now I just want to play with two hands without spending more money. I traded up to this device by repairing/flipping guitars and pedals, it’s way out of my normal bracket relative to what it actually is. I mean, I’d bought an used RC300 loopstation for £80 previously (ironic that the competitor’s piece was a foot controlled unit, hah) – I just much prefer your interface, and the price difference (even for used 45000’s) is probably why I expected it to be problem free. It isn’t, and that’s fine. Just a bit of a frustration/bummer for me now, like I say.

    Sorry to go on.

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