Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Mod Rex Midi bypass CC#

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    This might be a stupid question but I could not find the answer to this in any of the instructions or other documents online. What is the midi command to send to the mod Rex pedal to turn it on and off? I have a midi controller, pedal Looper that sends midi commands to the pedal. I have seen the instructions the midi control list that controls all the parameters but I don’t see one that turns the bypass footswitch on and off so that I can bypass the pedal when I need to. This seems simple and I know I’m probably missing something obvious!

    EHX Info

    This is a feature that only units with newer software have. When you boot up the pedal, does it say “r2” or “r3” briefly, or does it go right to the last loaded preset without saying either of those? If it says r2 or r3, then master bypass is MIDI CC 120. If it doesn’t say r2 or r3, then the unit doesn’t have the ability to control master bypass over MIDI. The software update can by applied if you send the unit to us.


    Just found this old thread and having a related problem. I have the r3 version and can get the pedal to turn on with the MIDI CC 120 message. But it won’t turn off on a second press. Is there a separate CC to turn it off?


    Send a CC120 message of value 0 to turn it off, send a value above 0 to turn it on.


    Thank you! That did it.



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