Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EHX Deluxe Memory Boy

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  • #86116

    In my pedal chain, I have a DXMB at the end (tuner, BYOC OD, Marshall SV-1, DXMB). I have a Godlyke Powerall plugged into the tuner and have daisy chained the rest of the pedals together.

    When I turn my rig on (Gibson 2019 LP Special DC, Boss Katana 50 MkI, pedalboard), I hear a distinct heartbeat sound from the DXMB that is synced with the tap tempo.

    How do I get rid of this sound?

    Thanks in advance for any help.


    Maybe you can try it on its own power supply (keeping the other pedals daisy chained if you want).


    Yes your supply does not have isolated outputs and noise is leaking into the input.
    Use its own supply or find a supply with REAL isolated outputs.

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