Home Forums Vintage EHX my big muff produces low output

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  • #86041

    i have a BigMuff pi (it says ec-3003 rev_e on the circut) which has an output problem,i thought this was a good place to seek help on fixing the pedal.
    i bought the pedal 2nd hand so i dont know anything about the care that was taken of it. it worked in 10/10 condition for 5 days until today. now when i run my guitar through the BM its more or less fine,i get the usual volume apart from a slight buzzing. when i activate the pedal there is pretty much no output, i have to turn the volume on my amp and the pedal up to 10 to get any volume which is little to none.
    i have little to some experience with diy and soldering. just wondering if there is an easy fix or what is wrong with it.
    anything helps!
    thanks, conor


    Good luck man.

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