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  • #86015
    Tone Jones

    Might be wishful thinking but are there any plans to combine all the 9 series pedals into one with preset capability?

    James Cull

    Probably the most requested pedal in these forums …. I own all the 9 pedals and gig with them. I would certainly love to be able to reduce my pedal board footprint – I can’t take them all to small gigs. I love to layer them – so that is an important consideration. There probably isn’t a need for more than two at once – so what would be really great iwould be a dual engine box that would allow two sounds on seperate outputs. I also love to add FX to these … the built FX are a bit weak compared to what we know EHX can do.

    I love the EHX 9 sound – it has character that I can’t get out of a Roland SY300 or other options. I would love a Super 9 pedal that takes this to another level with midi selectable presets – 128 please. It would great if this was very deep (like an SY300) and had a good user interface for tweakability. Imagine being able to select the drawbars and shape with EQ or vary the vibrato of the Mel9 sounds, etc, etc.

    It would be great to have some expression pedal inputs and switch inputs. There is potential here for an amazing musical instrument. A small pedal format is prefered – we don’t have room for big boxes these days – too many other fun pedals.


    I would badly love to have a super 9 Pedal. But it would have to have midi preset functionality. I see no reason to jam an incredible array of different modes in a pedal only to have to interrupt your set to bend down and start tweaking your knobs to get to acccess all the possible sounds. Midi is a must for something like this.

    I own the Key9, Synth9 and Mel9 and I’d love to have them all combined into one amazing unit with the ability to select presets via midi.

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