Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Big Muff Triangle Pi Issue

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  • #85951

    Hi everyone. Can anyone help?

    I am running a Electro Harmonix Big Muff Triangle Pi into my Fender Super Champ x2. Through channel 1 on the amp engaging the Big Muff generates big time white noise/ noise. But if I run it through channel 2 on the amp it’s fine.

    My other pedals work no problem in ch1 and ch 2. Nice and quiet.

    I’m sure it wasn’t doing this when I bought it a few months ago. I haven’t used it in a while and just dragged it out today.

    Just don’t know why the Muff would be making big white noise (general noise) through ch1. It’s not a battery issue as the battery is new and I also tested it plugged in to the wall.

    EDIT: I notice also that the volume when engaged on ch1 is a lot louder than when engaged on ch2.


    Any ideas?

    Thank you


    Not sure that would be a question for Fender.


    Maybe. But my other E.H pedals work no trouble in channel 1 on the amp. So clearly channel 1 is fine.

    But the Triangle also works perfectly through channel 2 of the amp…so it’s a real mystery.

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