Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EHX 95000 Tempo Issue

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  • #85828

    Is anyone here experiencing tempo issues with their looper? My looper doesn’t track with other equipment.

    Logic is set 78BPM.
    Looper is set to 78BPM
    Looper is set to Quantize
    Loop records for a perfect 4 measures yet it drifts. Sometimes I can actually HEAR the pitch move on its own! At one point the tempo slider would move below its original setting.

    I bought this unit new, is it defective? Updated firmware to 1.12 and still persists. Seriously reconsidering the usefulness of this pedal after spending an hour trying to make a simple guitar loop play. Something that works PERFECTLY on my other looper with quantization. Very frustrating!


    Are you using MIDI Clock to synchronize the 95000 to Logic?

    Otherwise the 95000 pitch should not be drifting on its own when set to internal clock sync. There could be a power issue.


    Yes! Thank you for your response. EHX is currently trying to resolve this issue for me!



    Just curious, are you using MIDI Clock?


    If that means I am syncing my looper directly to my computer via MIDI, no. Both units are completely independent of each other.

    The fluctuation occurs when I press the record button once I complete my loop. Playback is initiated but at a different speed (quantization is enabled). I can tell this because although the BPMs of both devices are matching, the unit immediately either trails behind or speeds ahead by a few beats. Granted not by much, but enough that I can actually hear a slight fluctuation in pitch occur sometimes.

    Interestingly, if I stop playback, I can reset the tempo using the slider, initiate playback via the play button and the tempo holds. It also holds with subsequent channels recorded afterwards. It seems to only happen when the initial loop length is being established. Its so much fun when it works! The error seems to be occurring at the record button.

    OM Mindaugus

    Is there a list of all 95000 known bugs and their workaround? I am using the latest firmware and have encountered issues that I do not currently wish to list because of time and opportunity cost/creative disruption.


    Try reformatting the micro SD card, this seems to eliminate most weird behavior. Use the SD Association’s official formatter app which can be downloaded from here: https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter/

    Do a full format rather than a quick erase.


    Just checking to see there is a firmware update to fix this issue. It’s been four years since I posted. I often find myself in situations when I am unable to sync a midi clock equipment wise and the ability to have a totally accurate tempo would be a huge help.


    Disregard this comment. I saw your post saying that formatting the card fixed most issues and that did the trick. Thanks!

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