Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Variable Loop Lengths

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    Many people on this forum are asking about the possibility of variable loop lengths in future software updates and there’s been no reply from EHX.

    I just purchased the 95000 and otherwise love it but it is a bit of a deal breaker to not be able to compose using varying loop lengths.

    Please reply as to whether this feature will be available soon or not.

    If not I will be returning this product and opting for the Boss RC-505 or the Boomerang III



    Sorry, there are no plans for that in the future.


    I should have read in the ehx forums before buying the 45000. I would have seen that all threads are mixed, no section for the different machines and most of the time no answer for important requests, like variable loop lengths, being on a 95000 or any other looper.
    Ok here it’s different I finally found an answer which is nearly 3 years old. “No plans in the future” to make what customers are asking for.
    Personally I don’t care about quantize, I don’t even work with beats, I just need a machine capable of recording different loops. Next time I’ll search online before buying something. I thought this kind of function was standard. I was wrong.
    Lesson learned.

    Going back to my RC-300 then 🙁

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