Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback Holy Grail Nano – Switch issues – 3 pedal . . .

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    Wasn’t sure if this was the place to ask a questions on this or not, but I’ve had a few issues with the switch on the Holy Grail Nano – the #two pedal of importance in my rig.

    I am on my third on so far due to switch issues and the switch is getting flaky again. I thought the other two issues were due to my carelessness, but this one has been kept on my Pedal Train Nano board and in the case to avoid any hint of damage. The switch has is not staying in place like it does when new. Local parts shop is checking for a replacement, which we couldn’t find a proper one before. I didn’t’ fret about it because I thought my handling of it damaged the switch as I said before, but I now do not think this is the case. What’s your replacement policy and/or do you ship replacement parts??



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