Home Forums Help/Technical Questions MIDI Syncing 45000 Looper and Ableton Live


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    Hello Hello !

    I have been trying to sync my 45000 with Ableton Live, without any success.
    I found some answers/explanations on a few forums, tried all the solutions I found, but never got it to work.

    My goal is to have Ableton running as the master and the 45000 as a slave.
    I already used the 45 000 as a master with other machines, and it works fine.

    So.. according to the user manual, and other experienced users, here’s the process :

    – Connect the 45000 MIDI in to your soundcard MIDI output
    – Activate the “Track – Remote – Sync” on Ableton Pref window
    – Create a MIDI track routed to the right MIDI out. (Not sure this is necessary though)
    – Turn the external clock button on 45000, press a second time for “beat-sync”, it flashes rapidly
    – Press the quantize button on 45000, solid light

    At this step, If I push the play button on Ableton the 45 000 should follow, and of course it’s not doing anything than waiting.

    Therefore, I can see that there is some kind of sync going on, because de tempo on the 45000 is locked and click in sync,
    but when I click on the 45000 REC button, it keeps flashing rapidly, and doesn’t record.

    That’s it.

    Did anyone really succeed on working out this type of configuration ?
    Big big thanks in advance to the one who will sort this out for me : )



    I’m an ableton Live user, but want the tactile control of the EHX 45000 for live performance and recording of new loops, but need Ableton to be running the show overall.

    Going to sell my 45000 if I can’t get this sorted out.


    You have to put the 45000 into Record Ready mode for it to begin recording. Try the following two different options:

    1A. Set the 45000 to Beat Sync mode. The 45000’s EXT SYNC LED should be blinking.
    1B. Set the 45000 to normal EXT SYNC. The 45000’s EXT SYNC LED should be lit solid.
    2. Ensure QUANTIZE is enabled on the 45000.
    3. Press the NEW LOOP button on the 45000, the REC LED should blink.
    4.Now press the REC button. The REC LED should blink rapidly.
    5. Press PLAY in Ableton. The 45000 should immediately begin recording.
    6. On the 45000, to end its loop recording and set the loop length, press its PLAY button. The 45000 will quantize the loop length to the nearest bar either by recording out to the end of the current bar or by truncating to the end of the previous bar.


    Thank you Flick for your answer, I will try this a soon as I can and will get back to you !


    Hello again,
    So.. I finally got some time to try and it actually worked fine, after changing a MIDI cable…
    YEAH !
    Thanks again for the tip Flick ! : )


    Hi everyone ! I am new on the forum and I join this discussion “resolute”, it works really well with Ableton? I am saxophonist and I need to play loops over my live sets. will the 95000 not be more suitable? (Undo is there a cruel lack on the 45000?).
    I need to know that by buying this 45000 I am sure to work with ABleton. Thank you for the answers you will bring me


    Hi there, running into a similar issue, I tried both methods, and recording seems to be engaged when pressing play on a drum machine, but pressing play does nothing.. if I press record again the red rec led goes out, loop isn’t saved. I’ll continue to troubleshoot, but any help would be greatly appreciated


    Only luck ive had is resetting ableton, and turning the 45000 into the “start play point” however the BPM goes nuts eventually and doesn’t stay stable.

    It appears there’s no solid solution for the 45000 looper and ableton. All there appears to be are a lot of the same threads repeated over and over, without a common solution.

    I’m curious is everyone returning their 45000 and hoping the 95000 will work? Or is the 95000 working?

    I’m asking because after a few hours of reading the same forum posts, the only thought I have next is returning this to sweet water and going another route. I would however love to find an answer to this product not functioning as desired. Should I aim at another product or is the 45000 known to struggle with ableton (*i ask because it’s all i see on the forums*)

    Thanks for the help

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by keamo.

    I assume user stories will help;
    – if i restart ableton and don’t move the tempo on 45000, i can make ableton stay on a similar bpm
    –> however i want to change the BPM often during a live performance, this functionality breaks ableton and the performance
    – if i touch the tempo on the 45000, ableton starts bugging out, and can’t remain consistent w/ the bpm, causing loops to jump around
    –> this functionality breaks ableton
    – if i restart ableton, get a chance to start all of this over
    –> this is a lot of work and I can’t do this live
    – ableton is unable to send start/stop record to the device
    –> unlike every device in my studio
    – ableton breaks when i use the device as the master of the tempo or play button
    –> which is the only reason i bought this item
    – the EXT clock button does nothing.
    –> however it does say it’s a thing

    I’ve spent the last few days trying to find workarounds and not making any music.

    The 45000 is amazing hardware when i do not plug it into a computer and expect it to function like the rest of my gear.

    I had a feeling midi started before this product was generated and likely there are success stories on this forum, however ive found none by googling or searching the forum.

    I will read the interesting printed document that came with this item, however it’s not exactly worded in a manner that makes a ton of sense when I read it and has often required me to read it multiple times before making sense of the product. I find it’s easier to use it to figure it out before I can understand the text being used.

    Hope I can figure it out, really wanted this to be a part of the ableton experience, however it’s becoming a nightmare of troubleshooting in forum posts that predate my purchase, which leads me to believe i should consider the 95000 or other alternatives.

    best, keamo


    Quick update; I’ve been digging around, appears there’s another set of drivers

    Some other forum posts related to this can be found here;

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