Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Controlling Canyon with Expression Pedal, 8-Step Program, or Similar

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  • #85433

    Is it possible to sync Canyon to a DAW or to another hardware device by using an 8-Step Program running into the Tap Tempo jack? I seem to recall reading somewhere that it is possible to do so, but the manual says nothing about it.

    Can it be done? And if so, then how so?

    Thanks in advance!

    Is it possible to sync Canyon to a DAW or to another hardware device by using an 8-Step Program running into the Tap Tempo jack?…Can it be done?

    In theory someone could create a device to do this, but no one has.

    What you’re supposed to plug in there is a dedicated external tap tempo switch. EHX doesn’t make one. (What’s up with that EHX?) Saturn Works makes a small, reliable, popular one. Many other companies, including some EHX competitors like MXR, etc, make one. These are very simple circuits that just “ground” the switch every time you tap it. There is no control voltage (CV), trigger signal, or Expression value.

    The 8-Step Program can generate control voltages (CV) from 0V to +5V and Expression Pedal (Exp) values which require a TRS (Stereo) 1/4″ cable and input jack. This is not what you need.

    The EHX Clockworks generates trigger pulses from 0V to +10V, again not what you need.

    Honestly, what’s wrong with just turning playing your song on the DAW and tapping the right tempo into the Canyon? You should be able to get very close.

    Tommy V

    this might be what you’re looking for..


    for a much cheaper fix, I’m thinking that a small relay switch could be triggered from your gadgets output voltage, to make a simple on/off switch.

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