Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Looper 95000 : Control Volume of Mixdown Track during Mixdown Process

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    Another thing , when i’m trying to do a mixdown :

    i have :

    – 6 tracks
    – a Drum part on stereomixdown track ( i take a drum pattern from EHX loop 10)

    When i’m trying to adjust the volume of the Drum part during mixdown , ther isn’t an influence ( impact ) in final mixdown , it’s all time the same level , even if i put the volume equal to 0 of the mixdown track ( drum) during mixdown process , i have my drum part in the end when i’m listening the mixdown track..

    In the reference Manual : Mixdown Basic p 27 -> “You can independently adjust the volume of any of 6 tracks, The DRY output and the mixdown track”

    Thanks in advance for the answers


    Edit : in order to “fix” this “issue” i used the DUB settings on mixdown track

    Exemple :when i’m playing all my track before my mixdown process, my Mixdown fader ( drum) is at 50 % , i will put the DUB setting for this track at 05 during the mixdown process in order to have the same volume level for my drum in my final mix…it’s a bit complicated..


    Please can i have an answers by EHX support ?


    This sounds like a misprint in the manual, we will check it out. The Mixdown fader does not adjust the level of what was previously on the Mixdown track as it is recorded back onto the Mixdown track.

    The only way to adjust the volume of previous Mixdown audio, at the time you record back onto the Mixdown track, is by doing it the way you have figured out: lowering the DUB setting.


    Thanks a lot for your answer.

    Ok , it’s confirm the signal path Diagram for ” SD card loop xx Track M ” , the fader is not on the “control loop” ( dunno if it’s the right word in english) , so it’s have no impact.

    In 45000 Manual , fader for mixdown is in the “loop control”, so it’s seem to be a bit different , it’s why i post my Question

    95000 still a great product , love it , i’m just trying to optimising my use of this unit.


    I think that part of the manual was taken from the 45000 and not properly updated for the 95000. Thanks for spotting it.

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