Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Memory toy “robotic”sound on low delay settings

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    Hi, I just got the memory toy and Im verry happy with it. However when i play on the lower delay settings 30 to 70ms or so I get not a reverby sound but a metallic robot-ish sound. Lets say: krrrrr instead of klaaang. Is it me or the pedal or perhaps something else.

    Thanks, Vincent


    I would have to hear an recording of your problem.


    Reverbs and “delays” or “echo” are both a [strong]type [/strong]of delay, but they are different. Some modern delays include BOTH a reverb and delay effect but historically, especially before digital effects, reverb and delay were two separate effects. The first reverbs were made using springs. The first delays were made using magnetic tape or magnetic drums.

    The main difference in sound is that the echos in reverbs are [strong]indistinct[/strong]. They all overlap and get blended together and blurred out. You can’t hear individual echos because they are all smeared together. The echos in a delay, as opposed to a reverb, are [strong]distinct[/strong].

    The Memory Toy is an [strong]analog[/strong] delay. All of the echos will be distinct. When you use very short delay times with a high feedback to try and emulate a reverb, you end up with something called a comb filter. That’s the “metallic” or “robot” sound that you’re hearing. It’s an interesting effect, but it’s not a reverb. The best way to substitute a delay for a reverb is to have a short delay, but not the shortest, turn down the feedback so that you don’t have too many echos – maybe two or three, then adjust the blend so that the echos are much quieter than the original signal. This is still not a true reverb, but it kind of works like one.

    Electro~Harmonix’ true reverb pedal is the Small Stone. This is a true reverb with indistinct echos. The Small Stone is a [strong]digital[/strong] effect. It is possible to make an analog reverb, but it’s very difficult and expensive because you basically need a lot of analog delays feeding into each other and back into themselves to “smear” the echos so that you can’t hear them individually. DOD and Arion both made an analog reverb based on the same expensive chip (DOD FX45 and Arion SRV-1), but they didn’t sell them for long because the Small Stone sounds so much better.

    The Electro~Harmonix Canyon Delay & Looper has multiple delay types AND a reverb.


    Thanks both, I understand it now.


    Can i get another question in?
    I hear white noise on the repeated notes.
    Can that be fixed? Perhaps with different powersupply?
    Or is it broken? Or Is it normal?(I’m not talking about decay of the signal, which is normal) I’ve read several opinions on the matter
    and they all say something different.

    Thanks in advance


    It might be broken. Mine is quiet, but I’ve read of this problem as well. I’d take it back to the store if possible and let them hear it.


    Thanks, will do that then.

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