Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 95000: Verse/Chorus switching? Switch to a blank loop & record without stopping?

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    I am having fun with the 95000 looper but have no idea how I’d use it for a live performance, other than just recording on different TRACKS of the same LOOP and switching between using faders…

    1) There doesn’t seem to be any sort of verse/chorus functionality
    2) Can’t lay down one LOOP and seamlessly switch to another empty one to record a 2nd song part

    You can kind of work around this if you have some track audio already in each – like the same drum loop in two – but that is not great for improvising.

    Of course I can record one loop (verse for instance), stop, switch to the empty loop, record another (chorus), and later in playback can switch back and forth as I jam over it. But doing this without stopping playback seems to be impossible!

    Am I missing something? Everything else is so killer! Constructing actual songs on the fly is just not working for me!


    Bump because a thousand people saw this and didn’t have anything to add!



    For me , you have to recording Verse on Loop1 , and Chorus on loop2.

    You have just to “push” the up or down switch (loop) in order to go to Versus or Chorus.

    for example :

    Loop 1 : Versus : 8 bars
    Loop2 : Chorus : 4 bars

    if you push switch “up” in order to go to loop2 at 5.3 of loop 1 , it’s wait 8.4 bar , and switch to 1.1 of Loop2 ( page function) , playback will not stop…

    It’s the way i did.

    Cyber Fox

    This is a show stopper for me. I used the much more basic TC Electronic 4X looper for this all the time. First record verse, then chorus then layer on top of that. I bought the EHX 95000 with the assumption that now I could also live record bridge and other parts too. I’m really very frustrated that this functionality isn’t included. It’s called a Live Performance looper, my expectation is that at least it would support functions lower priced TC Electronic and Roland loopers have out of the box. Please tell me this feature is coming in a next firmware update, without it I’ll have to return it.

    Cyber Fox

    For me , you have to recording Verse on Loop1 , and Chorus on loop2.

    You have just to “push” the up or down switch (loop) in order to go to Versus or Chorus.

    for example :

    Loop 1 : Versus : 8 bars
    Loop2 : Chorus : 4 bars

    if you push switch “up” in order to go to loop2 at 5.3 of loop 1 , it’s wait 8.4 bar , and switch to 1.1 of Loop2 ( page function) , playback will not stop…

    It’s the way i did.

    Thats not what KingCyrus and I mean. What you explain works however when you push the up or down switch of the loops DURING recording, the recording stops. So you can’t stay in record mode whilst switching between loops. At least I hope there is another way pdf doing that, that I don’t know about yet.


    For me , you have to recording Verse on Loop1 , and Chorus on loop2.

    You have just to “push” the up or down switch (loop) in order to go to Versus or Chorus.

    for example :

    Loop 1 : Versus : 8 bars
    Loop2 : Chorus : 4 bars

    if you push switch “up” in order to go to loop2 at 5.3 of loop 1 , it’s wait 8.4 bar , and switch to 1.1 of Loop2 ( page function) , playback will not stop…

    It’s the way i did.

    Thats not what KingCyrus and I mean. What you explain works however when you push the up or down switch of the loops DURING recording, the recording stops. So you can’t stay in record mode whilst switching between loops. At least I hope there is another way pdf doing that, that I don’t know about yet.

    Staying in record mode while moving tracks seems like something that could be done with firmware.


    Bumping for what it’s worth, given there’s been no activity on this thread in four months… this is definitely a seemingly no-brainer feature that I am severely disappointed is not on the unit. It’s made even worse when you’re running the 95000 in conjunction with an external MIDI clock, and having to stop/start that clock just to create a new loop effectively shuts down every other device in your MIDI chain. It’s very jarring in a live scenario.

    The documentation says, when you increment the loop number during playback and the new loop number has no audio, the 95000 will continue to play the current loop indefinitely. Why? What sense does that behavior make? Would it not make more sense to switch to the new blank loop during playback so that you can at least initiate a record from there (and keep it in time with the clock, which it doesn’t do right now either)? There are a lot of great things about this looper, but non-ambient live performance does not appear to have been a consideration with its design. I’m frustrated.


    Been a user of the EHX 45000 for a while now and wanted to add that switching loops is only achievable by stopping the unit, advancing a loop and recording again.

    It can be done but is very tricky and would be super useful if the unit can do this itself.

    I made a few jams doing two part songs but this is the one off the top of my head that shows the process

    I use a fill on my drum machine to introduce the second part and begin recording after the fill, super tricky but with practice it can be done! :)



    I have recently purchased the 95000 and of course I wanted to use the non-existent verse chorus switching functions. It would be nice, if EHX decided to add such functionality, but with a little planning, it can be done with some little fiddling around (foot operated only):

    – Go to loop 1 and record the basic track of the verse.
    – Once you have recorded the basic track, stop it, but keep playing something on the guitar (I would just repeat the last phrase or something).
    – Switch to loop 2, if it is empty, hit recording and record the basic track of the chorus. If it is not empty, then hold TRACK and UNDO to delete everything and then hit recording and record the basic track of the chorus.
    – Then switch between the loops normally and flawlessly while playing. Now you can add layers to different tracks without limitations, too.
    – If you know what songs you will be performing, you can set rhythm tracks in advance and get the switching between those two loops right away.

    I know that this is not a super perfect solution, but it can be trained and improved to override a lack in this, overly brilliant, looper.

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