Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics CANYON DELAY AND LOOPER TIPS PART 8: Lush Chorus

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    A chorus is usually obtained by modulating the pitch and the delay of a single repeat. This makes it sound like another instrument is playing in unison, but the timing a pitch are just a tiny bit off like they would be in real life when two people are playing in unison. The shimmer mode has a gentle pitch shift that we can use for this and it also has a modulating interval tone control that we can use to change the timbre of the repeat to make it sound like a different instrument is playing.

    This one is a little bit tricky to set up, but the results are worth it.

    [strong]Control Settings[/strong]

    Notice that for FX LVL and DELAY, you want to use one setting before you go into the secondary controls, then a different setting after you’ve set the secondary controls.

    FX LVL: First, Maximum. Then, after Secondary Function about 12:00.
    DELAY: First Minimum, Then after Secondary Function About 8:00.
    FEEDBACK: Minimum
    Secondary Function DELAY: Just above where the filter cuts off completely. About 10:00.
    Secondary Function FEEDBACK: About: 10:00

    [strong]Playing Tips[/strong]

    This is a little tricky to set up because the position of the controls needs to be precise. You don’t have much room and you have to do it by ear. Start with the above settings with FX LVL at Maximum and DELAY at Minimum. Hold the Tap Divide button to go into the secondary functions. Play some notes. Turn the DELAY to minimum. You should hear the sound cut out completely as the low pass filter clamps down completely. Now start turning up the delay (opening the filter) until you hear the sound come back in at full volume, but NOT at fully open filter. This should be right around 10:00. Now, set the FEEDBACK to about 10:00. Too much will cause too much modulation for a chorus. Now, tap the Tap Divide button to exit secondary functions. Set FX LVL to about 12:00 to mix in the original sound and the chorus. Set the DELAY to about 8:00. Just a little bit more than minimum. You don’t want so much delay that you hear a second attack. That’s like a slap echo and you don’t want that. That should be it. You have a slightly modulating second guitar just slightly out of synch with you and with a tiny bit of shimmer to modify the tone of that second guitar. It should sound like two guitars playing in unison. I think they also add a bit of gated reverb to the shimmer signal which makes it all sound more lush.

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