Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Satisfaction levels change every time I stomp it on AXVwithout me moving knobs

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    I have noticed that the Satisfaction levels change every time I stomp it on without me moving knobs. This is a problem when playing a show, as the sound levels will be dialed in with the sound guy, then a couple songs in after having stomped the Satisfaction on and off and on again the levels are different and feedback happens, with no knobs having been turned at all. I have noticed the same thing at home also where there is no sound guy and there was definitely nothing that was changed on anything on my amp or anything else. This is a problem and makes the pedal unfortunately pretty unuseable.

    Has anyone else noticed this? and is there any way to fix this?


    Sounds like a dirty switch???
    Deoxit spray on the switch of the could help if that is the problem.
    Please write the techs


    9-5 M-F NYC time



    Thanks! Can you step by step me on how to deoxit spray it please? or can some one? I just want to make sure I don’t screw it up somehow. Do I open from bottom? What do I do? Thanks


    Is it still in warranty?

    If not open the back up and spray the back of the switch of the switch. It is a closed back but the cleaner will leak in if you shoot around. then spray the other side where the shaft depress when you step on it.
    It will leak down into the switch. Then click the switch a bunch and it should clean the contacts.
    Deoxit is safe and will harm nothing. Make sure the power is disconnected as there will be some residue until it drys.
    You can use a cloth to clean up any run off.

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