Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 22500 serial mode trouble

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    I just bought a used 22500 and am starting to explore it. But I’m having some problems in Loop-Lock Sequential/Quantize on mode.

    1. Loop A records at a very low volume even with volume knobs and gain knob up all the way.

    2. When I tap Loop B to record, nothing happens. The whole machine just freezes and no matter what I press or tap, the only thing I can do is unplug the looper. Needless to say, this is unacceptable.

    I believe I have Loop parameters set correctly but maybe I’ve missed something. Or is this just a defective machine?


    PLEASE update the firmware:
    The firmware is right under the picture of unit.


    I have updated the firmware to 28. Same problems still persist. Certain button presses completely crash the pedal, have to unplug it. Please advise.

    It also is inconsistent in how many beats it waits till it starts recording. Is there a way to make it start WHEN you tap the loop pedal, not on the next bar?


    Sorry Please contact service dept
    info @ ehx.com
    M-F 9-5pm NYC time


    sometimes this happens with my device too (firmware 2.8). This happens when I have recorded Loop A, started recording Loop B (not an overdub) and try to stop and delete Loop B (Loop B switch is double clicked while Loop B is in record mode) before Loop A is in the next cycle. I figured out that this mostly happens, when I double click switch Loop B directly after Loop B starts recording in less than 2 seconds. After I restarted the looper all settings are gone.

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