Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics EHX 22500: 2 Questions

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  • #84509
    Kevin bass

    Has anyone figured out a way to make loops fade out, or in on the this machine. I have used the overdub function, which is pretty cool. But it seems to only fade out one loop once you add a second loop. I would like to fade out the end of songs, and also fade from loop A to loop B in sequential mode, if possible, but the looper doesn’t seem to be able to do that.

    Also, in one of the videos, I think by Bill Rupert, he explains that you can use the 22500 as a delay pedal. I haven’t figured this one out either.

    Thanks for any feedback!


    Hello, im from argentina and i dont speak english very well, sory for that. I need to ask something, in the looper 22500, there is a way to save the settings in the banks, and dont have to put it one by one if they are diferent, every time that i erase and left the bank empty???
    thank you!

    Has anyone figured out a way to make loops fade out, or in on the this machine. I have used the overdub function, which is pretty cool. But it seems to only fade out one loop once you add a second loop. I would like to fade out the end of songs, and also fade from loop A to loop B in sequential mode, if possible, but the looper doesn’t seem to be able to do that.

    Also, in one of the videos, I think by Bill Rupert, he explains that you can use the 22500 as a delay pedal. I haven’t figured this one out either.

    Thanks for any feedback!

    The 22500 does not fade-out loops when stopping them or changing from one loop to the other.

    Bill’s technique for using the 22500 as a delay pedal is to use the OVERDUB parameter as the Feedback control normally seen on delay pedals. Set Overdub to maybe 50% to start with. Then create a short loop, the delay time will be equal to the length of the loop so two taps on say the Loop A FSW will create a loop length equal to the time between your taps.

    Hello, im from argentina and i dont speak english very well, sory for that. I need to ask something, in the looper 22500, there is a way to save the settings in the banks, and dont have to put it one by one if they are diferent, every time that i erase and left the bank empty???
    thank you!

    No the 22500 does not save settings for each bank. After you erase a bank, the settings go back to the current global default settings. To change the global default settings, go to an empty bank, set all parameters the way you want them and then begin recording a loop. As soon as you start recording the new loop, the global default settings updates to the settings in the loop you just started recording.


    i dont undestand why they make such a great looper and do this. I really need to save the settings in the banks because a buy it to live performance…. thank you… if any one have an idea how can i resolve this, it would be great…thanks

    there is a way to configure the bankset.set ?????

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