Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 45000 Firmware update and drum loops

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    I have just purchased a new EH 45000 and noted that the EH website offers a firmware update. How can I determine if my 45000 needs the update?

    In addition, the manual does not cover the use of the SD card included drum loops. How can I create a “new loop” that incorporates a drum loop without erasing the drum loop? To clarify, if I select a drum loop and record on one of the tracks, and then decide I want to create a “new loop” to erase what I have just recorded it will consequently erase the drum loop.
    Thank you in advance.


    Well, since my email for technical assistance has gone unanswered by EH, and no one has replied to my questions on this forum, I will be returning my EH 45000 from whence it came. Love its sound quality, but the lack of support is astounding.


    Did you contact service?


    Did you contact service?


    Yes, I did, via email … no response.
    However, I wonder if you are able to answer my questions regarding the need/or not for Firmware updating, as well as how one would go about incorporating the included drum loops in recording to loop positions not associated with the drum loop. Short of copying, via computer, the desired drum loop to a new loop position, there does not appear to be any means of accomplishing the task from the within the 45000.


    Sorry Doc for the no email. It may have gone into spam??? I will check.
    Today is Saturday and the factory is closed for the weekend.

    1. There is no read out to show what version firmware you have.
    This new firmware was to fix some bugs in older units.
    If your 4500 had the drum loops is almost certain you have the new firmware.
    They were done at the same time
    BUT…if in your in question load the new firmware. It can not hurt.

    2. The drum loops are stored om the mix down track of the 45000.
    If you record and erase tracks 1-4 the drums will stay untouched. If you create a NEW LOOP using the red button on your left, you will erase the drums stored on the mix channel.
    To restore a drum loop, load the loops from the web page and reinstall what you want on the SD card.
    There is no way to move loops around with in the 45000.
    You can move what ever you want when the SD card is in the computer.

    ? 45000
    ? SD Card
    ? 45000 Power Supply
    ? USB Cable or SD Card Reader
    1. Download the data file called 5LNYxx.bin to your hard drive. This file is included in the zip file that you downloaded or were emailed. The xx number is a number greater than 16.
    2. Copy the 5LNYxx.bin file to the 45000’s SD card. Do this by either connecting your 45000 directly to your computer via a USB cable or by ejecting the SD Card from the 45000 and inserting it into a USB Card reader/writer drive and then connect that to your computer.
    3. Once the SD Card appears on your computer, copy the 5LNYxx.bin file to the root directory of your SD Card. Do not place the .bin file in any folders on the SD Card.
    4. After the file has been copied to the SD Card, eject or stop the card on your computer. If you were using the 45000 disconnect it from the computer. If you were using an external drive, move the SD Card from the USB drive to the 45000.
    5. For the next few steps we recommend disconnecting the 45000’s audio outputs since a loud pop can occur after the update runs. Please do not remove power at any point during the next few steps.
    6. While the 45000 is powered up and running, press and hold down the OCTAVE button. After holding OCTAVE for approximately 3 seconds, the 4 track LEDs on the 45000 will blink rapidly a few times.
    7. Once the LEDs begin blinking you can release the OCTAVE button.
    8. After the LEDs finish blinking the 45000 will automatically restart and load the new software. During the restart, all the LEDs will blink once.
    9. Your 45000 is now upgraded. If you like, you can connect the 45000 to your computer again and delete the .bin file from the CF Card otherwise it will remain on the card which is also fine.
    Upgrading your 45000 software will not erase any loops that are on your SD Card.


    Thank you for your reply.
    It is unfortunate, in re the drum loops. And that, coupled with the fact that there is no provision for the synchronization of the 45000 to a drum machine, limits its usability for my particular application.
    But thank you once again for stepping to the plate and answering my questions.


    Where do you download the file? Are the drum loops available for download as well?


    Hi coul’d you tell me which are the bugs fixed?…some examples…… thanks

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