Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 2880 Mod

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    I’m interested in modifying my 2880. I’d like the tempo control to glide rather than step through pitches. Does anyone know how I would go about this? I assume its a software/code thing. Is it possible to modify the code and have it loaded onto the 2880. I suppose this might be proprietary but I’d be interested to learn of a direction to go.

    Thanks for any assistance!



    Hi Greg
    Its code and no user way to do that.
    The 4500 looper does what you want.


    According to the 45000 manual this is not true… it states: When moving the TEMPO Slider, it will
    increment the Pitch and Tempo in semitone (1/2) steps.

    Am I missing something?

    one other thing… if i buy the 45000 with the foot controller is it possible to mod the foot controller to add octave and reverse switches, like the 2880 foot controller?




    Ah sorry you are right! The only one that does it smooth with out steps is the loop mode on the Stereo Memory Man With Hazarai.
    I have used that effect many times in the Effectology videos.

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