Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Mel 9 tracking and tone issues on Brass sound

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    Hi, I just bought a Mel9 and frankly I’m very disappointed with the tracking and tone of the brass sound. The other sounds actually track and sound fairly good. The brass sound does not track well and the tone is not bright like in the popular video demonstration with Bill Rupert. I tried putting a graphic equalizer pedal before the Mel9 to boost the input to the Mel9 but only a bit better. I don’t have any other pedals in line with the Mel9 just the graphic equalizer before it which has all frequencies set to max. so it should be getting a high enough input to track properly.

    I’m going to try a compressor pedal before the Mel9 to see if it helps.

    What exactly did Bill Rupert use, if anything, before the Mel9 to help tracking and tone for the brass sound. It sounds flawless in the video but not even close to the video when I use it.
    I’m using an old 1980’s stock Charvel Model 3 with two single coils and one humbucker. Seems to work best on humbucker but far from good.

    I’m afraid I’ll need to return the pedal for a refund if you can’t help me solve this issue.
    I was hoping Bill Rupert could comment on this.
    Thank you !


    I used nothing in front of he Mel9.
    The attack of the brass is the same as all the other sounds.
    Perhaps you are not setting the knobs correctly. The knobs are different for the brass sound than all the other sounds.
    In the brass setting the attack control changes the speed of a filter swell. At counterclockwise or zero it is off and the attack will be just like the other sounds.
    To have the same feel as the other sounds keep it at zero.
    If it is turned up the attack will be different.

    Please try this


    Thank you for the reply Bill!
    I am aware of the different function of the attack knob for the brass sound and I have already tried the attack at 0 position because it’s the only position where it will track somewhat. I tried to put both a graphic EQ pedal and compressor in front of the MEL9 and the attack is better now and so is the tone but the output is now starting to distort and doesn’t sound as pleasant as the sound on the video.

    Any other suggestions?
    Maybe I have a defective unit.


    No I have no idea. Wish I was at your set up.
    There should be no need for an eq. you will distort the input by over driving the pedal.
    Dont forget the sound starts to fade at the 15th fret on this sound.
    I will make an iPhone video latter to show you they all sound the same attack wise.
    I cant see how only one sound would be defective…


    Thanks everyone for your replies, much appreciated but I’m afraid I’ll have to return the pedal.

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