Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Will Leslie G sound great when used DIRECT to Marshall 1987x

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    I love the Leslie effect and considering buying the EH Leslie G, but concerned that the effect may not work well when placed direct in line to my Marshall 1987x. I had another make (a more expensive unit than this one) before but like most digital modulation effects it did not work well when used direct and had to be used in the FX loop to get a decent Leslie effect – BUT I DO NOT WANT TO USE AN FX LOOP.

    So, is anyone else using same or similar who can vouch for DI use?

    Thanks and regards to all


    It should sound cool!
    if you crank the amp way up the effect will be distorted but that may sound very cool….


    If the other mod pedal you had sounded bad because of amp distortion…well that is the way it is.
    No way around it.


    Thanks, of course – I am more concerned with the Leslie G and whether anyone is using it direct into the front end of a valve Marshall and can recommend it against others in the league, or is the EH thinking this would normally be used in an effects loop


    Would you put a reverb in front a cranked dirty amp??? NO
    Same thing with this.
    If your amp is cranked to total distortion that will change and blur the effect.
    The lester has its own distortion so when it is plugged into your Marshall turn the amps gain down and you will be fine.

    If you want to run your preamp on 10 than forget it or use it in the effects loop.
    That is why there is an effects loop.

    Would you put a reverb in front a cranked dirty amp??? NO
    Same thing with this.
    If your amp is cranked to total distortion that will change and blur the effect.
    The lester has its own distortion so when it is plugged into your Marshall turn the amps gain down and you will be fine.

    If you want to run your preamp on 10 than forget it or use it in the effects loop.
    That is why there is an effects loop.

    I know that, I am not repeat not using the Marshall cranked. It is set clean. Again, some pedals are designed to be used in the loop between pre and post amp stages, question – is Leslie G one of these.

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