Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Stacking EHX pedals

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    I’ll try to be concise. Gear:Hotrodded Pacifica and Jazzmaster. Blackstar HT40.

    For I while I’ve used a Soulfood into my gain channel with my Pacifica to get a great high gain tone and the Soulfood into my clean channel to get a slightly broken up “Rockabilly” tone (v9,g1,t6).

    I recently added a crayon to the mix. With my jazzmaster I love running the SF into the crayon (v4,g8,b10,t6) on the clean channel for a raunchy classic tone. I want to add a lead channel. I tried my Bass Big Muff that I use on my crunch channel but it sounds terrible on the clean channel whether before,after,or in between the other two.

    I’m thinking about trying an EHXTortion. Will I have any issues with running it in front or behind those other pedals? Any other suggestions? I wanna consider sticking with HEX before picking up one of those Mesa Fluxdrives that are making me drool. There’s no local shop where I can try this combo.


    For a lead sound the EHXtortion is great by its self!


    Sure, I’ve heard the clips, sound awesome. But I’ll be mostly running those other pedals on and will want to hit a lead tone without turning them off. I’m just wondering before I plunk down $180 if there is anything wierd like with the i/o impedances that might cause it to act funny when running in series with other boosts.

    For example, when I ran my Bass Big Muff into my Crayon, something in the eq section (I think) caused it to crap out and sound terrible. It sounds awesome with my Soulfood driving the input then into the drive channel in my amp, but awful into the crayon.

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